Saturday, May 19, 2012

My contract is almost done with Liz Bronstein of Whale Wars… Thank GOD!

Wow, it has been quite a year for me.   I started a new band, lived in three states, became a hard rock gold miner, tramped two more mines, signed with an lazy or dishonest producer, we are having a third child, moved to Telluride Colorado,  started college online at University of Nevada MacKay school of mines and am ready for another summer of gold mining!  Some have asked, “are you upset that you didn’t go back mining in Alaska?”  Really? My goal has always to become a real miner.

Now I know Todd and his crew were given less Gold than I got from my tax return from Gold mining!   Now, of course most of the guys were given $80,000.00 for their contribution to the filming of Discovery… at least that is what they offered me last year to come back on the show.  I know that Todd’s bump was 10% so he and his Dad have been given over$ 1,000,000 for their participation and part ownership in Gold Rush thus far from Discovery Channel. Again, they are mining all of you viewers, that is where his money is.

Here is the sizzle reel I filmed last year. BUT COMING SOON! I will show you some real mining…

View the original article here


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