Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ten Facts about Gold Rush Alaska

1. My hospital bills at the Haines clinic for X-Rays, Giardia, and treatment for broken ribs that Greg broke.
2. Discovery channel never gave Jimmy Dorsey a red cent! And we are still broke albeit for door to door and some real estate sales!
3. My frustration and foul mouth. I honestly repent to all of the miners for my lack of self control.
4. A lot of what you see on screen is re enactments or “pickups” that help explain what really happened
5. The bear was shot legally and not because he was eating our food.
6. Todd told me to leave the mine.
7. The tension was always real between us mostly because of camera jealousy.
8. The small flakes of gold that Todd carries around in his pocket or the lack of nuggets that aren’t in the gravels at Porcupine.
9. The fact that I am actually going Gold Mining again next summer.
10. I am going to get more GOLD than Todd next season!

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