Since my youngest got his drivers license he is able to do his own things, he drove down and got a haircut and of course I had to tease him. I told him his new haircut looked like this guy

Since my youngest got his drivers license he is able to do his own things, he drove down and got a haircut and of course I had to tease him. I told him his new haircut looked like this guy asks its readers for their biggest unanswered questions. Past questions include why little boys love sticks, why smart people are usually ugly, if it was possible for men to blow up the moon, what is the most disloyal dog breed, etc. Wrapping up the year they announced their three most asked questions of 2012. They are:
3) When did mankind make the connection that sex creates babies?
2) Why does EVERYONE hate the sound of their own voice played back to them?
and No. 1 is: Why do rich and famous women always sunbathe topless?
The easy answer is: for the same reasons poor and boring women do it! But it’s the most-asked question because they have so much to lose! Everyone’s watching them all the time! They are hunted by paparazzi day and night! It’s a GOOD QUESTION!
What’s yours? Tell us your deepest, darkest, haunting unanswered question:
We had some time to read the tabs while we were waiting in line to buy Alka Seltzer and carpet cleaner this week and here’s what we learned from Globe, Us Weekly, National Enquirer, Life & Style and Star. We can’t deny that avoiding the express line has its privileges. Contact Us
Us Weekly, Life & Style, Globe, Star, National Enquirer
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Registrationfunction fbLoginDialog(){var w=500,h=300;var posx = (screen.width/2)-(w/2);var posy = (screen.height/2)-(h/2);signinWin =",read_stream", "SignIn", "width=780,height=410,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,resizable=0,location=0,menuBar=0,left=" + posx + ",top=" + posy);signinWin.focus();} Register for 98.3 The Key: The Best Hits of the 80's 90's and Today! quickly by logging in with your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no passwords to remember!(function($){$(function(){$('nav.main, #content_sidebar').on('click', 'a[href*="listen-live/christmas-player"]', function(e){e.preventDefault();e.stopPropagation();player ='/listen-live/christmas-player', 'christmasPlayer', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,width=992,height=494');});});})(jQuery);Sign into 98.3 The Key: The Best Hits of the 80's 90's and Today!Not a Member? Sign Up Here.In the Tri-City Herald today there was an article about a man who lured two young boys out of their car while their mother was in a Kennewick store. He lied to them saying he was a firefighter and the mom had broken the law by leaving them in the car. He told the 13 and 7 year old to go inside the store and find their mom or he’d go in and arrest her.
You can probably guess that when police found the (intoxicated) man they arrested him.
Seeing as the boys were sitting in the car on a hot July day, I am a bit conflicted as to how I feel about this story.
I don’t know whether to think the 45-year-old man is a weirdo or a good Samaritan. The fact that he lied about being a firefighter to get the kids out of the car was a little strange, but should a mother leave kids, even older kids, in a car alone on a hot summer day?
Now days there are all kinds of procedures available that claim to have benefits for your skin and appearance.
I’ve been pretty lacking in the past as far as good skin regimen goes…
I’ve never put much energy into product or services. And I have never been good at using sunscreen or anything and my skin has definitely suffered because of it!
So, I recently was introduced to BodyBio Clinic in Kennewick. I decided to do a “skin resurfacing treatment” to see if it would help my skin have a more youthful healthier appearance! At my age..I figure I could use some help!
Jessica is the Anesthetist there and did The C02 procedure on my face using a laser.
I’ve definitely noticed a smoother texture and smaller pores. my face seems healthier and softer. I’m glad I did it!
I’m not sure if you can tell in the pics. I’m not big on make up, so I don’t wear any base makeup, just moisturizer and eye liner.
I’m including before and after pics of the Co2 Treatment. The “After” looks pretty scary. And it was a bit uncomfortable but after a few days of gooey ointment on it, it was all healed up! And, I’ve noticed a VAST improvement!
I’m including some pics for you to see. And if you have any questions feel free to call and ask me. 509-845-1939. Also, I’ve included an interview with the Anesthetist Jessica whom I absolutely LOVE! she is awesome!
She has also done hair removal for me with the newest latest and greatest laser available.!It’s a $100,000 machine! And it does wonders! I just had the hair removal done on my lower legs and it’s so nice not having to shave!
At BodyBio Clinic, they have an array of things available to help you look and feel your best! Massages, facials, skin care etc. Even a full host of nutrition experts to help get your health, and weight on track!
Jessica is amazing and super comfortable and easy to be around! I’ve been so happy with all the services they have done for me! Check out the pics and see if you can see the crows feet wrinkles really reduce from my before pic to my after pic! Wow! Pretty amazing actually, and that’s not even what I went in for! Lol!
Find them online at and be sure to listen to the interview!
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