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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 11:18 AM

Mr.Feb 2013Douglas, AZNone at this time20 12 times Prospecting Good day yesterday....
Well the Better half and I started doing some testing in the wash that runs through the property yesterday and fund some gold. Not much but some. We loaded up the packs, Grabbed the Munchkin (Grandaughter) and the dogs and walked over to the wash and hit what looked like it would be a good area to check. Since we don't have a dry washer as of yet we took some samples, classified them and brought them back to the house to pan them down. I found some very small pieces in the first two gallons worth of samples and will pan the remaining samples down today to see what (if anything) they hold. I've also been finding good quantities of black sand as well as some nice little garnets.
At least we know for sure that there's gold on the property and we had a really nice time wandering through the wash with the Munchkin and the dogs. Now I need to cut a trail from the house to the wash so I can get the truck down there as hauling buckets back to the house is a major pain in the posterior! Now the search is on to find where the best places to dig are going to be.
gold tramp and
Aurabbit79er like this.

Reply With Quote Yesterday 11:18 AM # ADS
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Today, 12:34 AM

Oct 2012Southern CaliforniaA cheap little Bounty Hunter290 130 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Sounds like it's time to get a drywasher.
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Reply With Quote Today, 01:16 AM
#3Lanny in AB 

Apr 2003AlbertaVarious Minelabs(5000, 2100, X-Terra 705), Falcon MD20, and the Tesoro Sand Shark for sniping underwater on dredged bedrock.2,163 274 times Metal detecting for gold and dredging.
If you're getting garnets and black sand, you're catching some of the super-heavies. Keep sampling to solve the mystery, and maybe borrow a Falcon MD 20 to do some dry sampling to test for gold flakes in your samples--no need for water that way. Nevertheless, it sounds like you're already doing things right by what you've captured already. Stick with it--and the gold will come. Plus, the time you're spending with your loved ones is a special kind of gold all on its own--priceless actually.
All the best,
Nothin' quite as fun as chasin' sassy gold!

Reply With Quote Today, 11:17 AM

Mr.Feb 2013Douglas, AZNone at this time20 12 times Prospecting
We found gold in the samples I've panned so far, just not much. Out of four gallons worth of test for one location I found about a dozen VERY small colors. (I had to get out the magnifying glass to be sure it really was gold.) Since we all know that gold (as well as other things) rolls down hill, the task now it to sample my way up stream to see if I can track down the source. I will of course be taking samples from any place that gold could fall out of the water flow.
Yeah... A dry washer is on the "wish list" for sure as well as a real detector instead of the better half's Little Radio Shack special. (shudder!!)

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