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Hello all,
Just wanted to share my first nuggets ever, everything prior was gold dust, flakes and pickers.
Saturday A longtime friend came sluicing with me on a little creek not far from my house. We had about a half gram day with one picker with quartz still attached and one baby picker, was a great time socializing and sluicing down in the canyon. Today I got out with a new guy and we hit it of and made friends after emailing and talking on the phone for the last few months. Gold buddy took me to a secret spot on a little known creek to do some detecting. I had no idea what to expect even though he talked it up good and told me he left a nugget in the bedrock last time he visited the spot. So right off he showed me the nugget that was on edge in a tight greenstone crack and I could tell it was for real not planted. He has way more detecting experience than me and taught me a lot today. I asked him if I could move a large semi boulderish rock and look under it as it was close to his first nugget, he said go for it if you find something its yours. I got my detector ready and moved the boulder with his help and scraped the overburden away under the shallow water. I got a nice mellow gold signal and he confirmed it and lent me a chisel to open up the underwater crack, took about a half hour and I finally liberated my first nugget ever!!!! A real nice half dime size pc flat and with lots of nice character, wow my first true nugget!! I found a old rusted bottle cap and what I thought was going to be my first ounce nugget that turned out to be a big lead slug from a bullet. I headed down stream following in his path and looking for a spot he may have passed up. On the other side of the creek I found a nice looking pc of bedrock and started detecting it and had a very faint signal, I scraped away the top layer to see if the signal would get stronger and it did, it sounded like my first target so I began busting the crack open. Pulled out a nice 1.1 gram nugget cylindrical in shape, then put the coil back over it and hit another signal looked closer and could see the nugget on my rocks that I pulled out, wow couldent believe it!! Gold buddy found me at this spot and I shared my finds with him and told him I was getting another signal in the same spot still!!! He confirmed it and I broke more bedrock and scraped and coerced more material out and he loaned me his pan as mine was up stream aways, he panned some out and was a nice picker. I scraped some more and found another little picker. A total of 3.1 grams for the day of 3-4 hours, what a day to say the leastLater, Gravelwasher

Will work for gold dust.

TreasureNet.com is the premier Treasure Hunting Forum on the internet. Registered Users do not see these ads. Please Register - It's Free!Yesterday, 12:31 AM#2trinityau

Hey Gravelwasher, fantastic, you are on the way now. Nice looking pieces too. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

Thanks Ray, those Jonathan Porter and Jack Lang videos confirmed I was on the right settings and really helped with explanations of settings and uses of em. Hope your still hitting those nuggets hard and scoring some good gold.
Cant thank the fellow detectorist enough for helping me out and sharing info and a great spot. Good things come to good people and those who share, Gravelwasher
Will work for gold dust.

Wow those are some nice nuggets there! Not bad for a few hours work and I'm sure it was loads of fun finding those and experiencing that for your first time.
"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."
Leonardo da Vinci

HA HA ....I knew you would put, up pics....Man do I hate my schedule....or yours..
.. "Gold buddy" is A cool guy I randomly met him down at my spot sluicing we talked for a bit I sent him to a spot over the ridge and he emailed me later telling me he found three Klinkers...definitely a guy to listen to when it comes to minelabs glad you got to hit the field with him....man do I want a P.I. Nice pieces Gravel can't wait to feel them in my palm
Talk to ya later.
Yea El Dorado County
Last edited by pvillehunter; Yesterday at 01:55 AM.

Well since you wanted to see em Pville I posted em at your request.pvillehunter likes this.
Didn't want to give up too much info on em or who the helper was, as to keep the spot secure and not bring too much attention to the kind person who helped me score such sweat victory. But thanks again!! It takes a lot of hard work no matter what to get gold out of ole mother earth and usually a few years practice unless your real lucky. Better to be lucky than good any day in this hobby. I have dug at least 100 pcs of trash on my way to finding these pretty little nuggets so it wasn't easy all those days and weeks that turn into months of getting the skunk each time really take a toll on the confidence factor. So thanks to all you on this forum who have posted your hard earned lessons for us to learn from, thanks Gravelwasher
Will work for gold dust.

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purdy .
" A man should look for what is , and not for what he thinks should be. "
Albert Einstein .

Hot damn!!! Great finds, great storytellin'
"The pieces of the Triforce are resonating."

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