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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeToday, 02:17 AM

Mar 2012Northern CaliforniaGold Bug 2137 49 times Prospecting Finding the source
I know this sounds a bit crazy but would it be possible to find the source of gold in a small creek?? There's a creek I've been going to and it has chunky gold in it and I've found nuggets on the upper end of it with a little quartz in them but I've only found gold with quartz attached to pieces near the beginning. Everything further down is just normal gold. There's actually 2 creeks that start it which are both spring fed and just seem to come out of the ground. One of the creeks I've only found a speck in and the other I've found some pickers above where they come together so I think I know where my nuggets could be coming from. And when I go too far up on the good one I can't find any gold. Am I chasing imaginary leprechauns or could I be onto something here? xD

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Today, 02:54 AM

Mar 2011Tucson, AZGold Bug 2333 47 times Prospecting
It depends. The source might have weathered away thousands of years ago..
pvillehunter likes this.

Reply With Quote Today, 02:57 AM

Mar 2012Northern CaliforniaGold Bug 2137 49 times Prospecting
Originally Posted by DesertNuggets
It depends. The source might have weathered away thousands of years ago..Oh gotcha.. Guess it doesn't hurt to try.. But if its replenishing itself on the upper end that could be a good sign.
pvillehunter likes this.

Reply With Quote Today, 03:43 AM

Dec 2012Wickenburg, AZ75 30 times Prospecting
Yes, it is possible, a bit of common sense needs to be applied with a bit of knowledge on how to figure out where the gold might have originally came from.
Start with some common, very simple, things.
1) Gravity sucks. Everything goes downhill. So of course look upstream/uphill.
2) Look at the gold you are getting under a loupe or microscope. Why? Gold is a soft metal and gets worn easy as it bumps and grinds along downstream. Quickly it becomes rounded, and you can see under a microscope other particles like sand imbeded in it, as well as a coating of elemental carbon from the environment. You may also have multiple sources of gold upstream. So some gold may be fresh and shiny and very well defined with crisp lines that it got from the host rock. This is most likely then from a nearby source. If it is well-worn gold it might be far upriver or upstream OR it could come from a nearby auriferous gravel deposit that has lain buried a long long time and is now getting eroded and dumped back into the river, so ...
3) Look around for ancient deposits of river gravels. Although the world looks how it does today, the gold you found may have travelled down a river millions of years ago, was caught in a pocket with other gold, then buried and eventually over time, with erosion, that layer of rocks and gold may have become exposed and is now 'leaking' into the stream or river that you are now finding it in.
4) Sometimes a stream may be cutting through a vein of rock that has a seam of gold in it. And it may be on the bottom of the river or stream. As other rocks tumble along and break chunks of it off, it releases some of the gold into the stream. Look for seams of quartz or other minerals commonly associated with gold that may be crossing the streambed.
5) Sample sample sample. If you found some very shiny new gold, for example, sample the river or streambed every 100 feet or so or where it is practical, looking for small flakes that are like the ones you already found. If suddenly you run out of them, it's most likely that you are now just past the source. Backtrack and test frequently and find where you pick it up again then look up the banks on either side of the river (and the bottom if you can) and see if you can locate the source. Take samples from the bank or hillside and test them.
All in all it might be tedious work, depending where you are, but it can be very rewarding. You could strike it rich! If I were at the mouth of the Columbia river and found a gold flake I doubt that I would attempt tracking it down. If I were at a branch in a small creek that drains a small basin, the source of which is just a mile or two away, I would bust my ass tryin to find it because I know that it can't have travelled far.
So that's basically how the old timers did it a long time ago. Another method they used was getting up very early and following a successful miner out to his claim then grabbed the claim next to him! 
Well I am not the worlds foremost expert on this stuff, but I do hope that it helps you some. I am sure there are others in this forum that can add to what I have said, and perhaps give you additional tips, or who knows, correct me where I err...
Goodyguy and
pvillehunter like this.
Spice is the variety of life 

Reply With Quote Today, 03:47 AM

Dec 2012Wickenburg, AZ75 30 times Prospecting
By the way, I made that post a bit lengthier than needed to answer your question in the hopes that others that may also want a short tutorial on finding a gold source would find benefit in it too. NO you are not chasing leprechauns. Sounds like you have a great find waiting for you!
Spice is the variety of life 

Reply With Quote Today, 04:19 AM

Mar 2011183 28 times
Well here's another possibility you might not have considered. In my experience if the spring is the source, you're gonna find some gold running a good distance down the entire length of the stream. Since you're creek is somewhat spotty, it's possible the creek is crossing something you ARN'T SEEING. Go back to where you found the chunky gold and quartz. Walk out 30 yards perpendicular to the creek. Do this on the uphill side of the creek first. What you're looking for are trees that grow ontop of subsurface water (Like Cottonwoods), reeds or cattails. Take a closer look and see if these plants arn't sitting in a slight depression running toward your creek. What you're standing on could be an ancient creekbed. Dig down and see if you hit gravel and rounded stones. There's another indication you may have located an ancient buried watercourse. If you find more chunky gold and quartz below the gravel, you're in the right spot. This hidden watercourse will likely be the source of the chunky gold you found.
LP13 and
pvillehunter like this.

Reply With Quote Today, 05:08 AM

Feb 2013in the heart of africa31 10 times Prospecting
Originally Posted by LP13
By the way, I made that post a bit lengthier than needed to answer your question in the hopes that others that may also want a short tutorial on finding a gold source would find benefit in it too. NO you are not chasing leprechauns. Sounds like you have a great find waiting for you!short and informative tutorial

Reply With Quote Today, 08:24 AM

Feb 2012Prather CAWhites GMT694 263 times Prospecting
Draw yourself a diagram of the two creeks and record where and what type of finds are made. Once the source stops, take a wide swath on the up hillside, sample and baggy and diagram every sample. Hopefully this will triangulate you to your source. Good health and good hunting. You are on to something good...
PS... I believe Goodguy had a nice diagram of the procedure, but it was some time ago, and i can't remember which thread it was in..
Last edited by Oakview2; Today at 09:19 AM.
"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

Reply With Quote Today, 09:33 AM

Mar 2012Northern CaliforniaGold Bug 2137 49 times Prospecting
Thanks for the feedback everyone that's really helpful! I might go out and test around today. I sort of have an idea of where the creek use to run if it use to run more than it does today 

Reply With Quote Today, 10:17 AM

Dec 2012Wickenburg, AZ75 30 times Prospecting
Nice tip catfish. Good luck N8. Let us know when you find it.
Spice is the variety of life 

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