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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeApr 21, 2013, 07:06 PM

Mad MarshallNov 2012Placer County CA181 122 times Prospecting PROSPECTOR or BUM!!!
Well I had another stupid kidney stone and had to come home yesterday to see the doctor to help the pain.. The worst pain ever!!!! Anyway I was out camping and prospecting in the middle of nowhere and a group of prospectors and I guess their freinds who were only interseted in shooting up the tree towards the trail.Why do all the Stupid people have GUNS??. I made camp at the bottom on the gold claim as the river was still to high to set up camp on my claim..Anyway they set up camp right next to mine and it was like a little tent city. They were for the most part freindly in person but it wasn't uncommon for me to hear rude remarks about how they were sharing their Campsite with a bum...I was on a club claim and my first time joining a club and goining to one of their properties.The only reason I joined was to have a backup for my claim if It was to difficult to get my camping stuff there and I would have a place to work untill I was able to move my camp..Anyway 3 days I had to tolerate that group and their rude coments and looks..
It is no lie that some months I live from pan to pan..And that after a few days in the woods and the water beining so cold making even bird baths miserable I suspect all men look worse for the wear..I expected this from maybe the casual hiker but not other prospectors and definitly other club members!!! They made me feel like crap,even though I am not a bum. To make it worse a few day later after they left the father of the club member came back about 2 days later to ask to see my membership card..And to ask me my intentions and how long I intended to be there ect ect ect.. It seemed his only purpose was to interrogate me!! THIS IS THE REASON WHY I DONT CARRY GUNS!!! I already had a hole dug!!But Since I made the commitment to turn the other cheek I was polite.. This is my first time on a club property and my first time in a club period and I HATE IT!!!!! I have never met prospectors like these before..I have met some mean men but of a different sort!! not men who are mean just becouse they like making jokes at people expense and commenting under ones breath...Anyway other then that all was well..I got on to some decent diggings after they left and hope to return in a few days once this stone passes.. Why is it I have yet to meet a BUM who likes to hurt people feeling and make them feel like crap..But My first time with a club I felt like crap pretty much the whole time!!! I know it depends on the people but if these are the type of people the clubs attract I fear I have no place in a club!! Maybe it was just bad luck..I will return and make plans to move my stuff to my claim as soon as possible as I want no more dealing with the club or its people or its properties for that matter!!!Anyway I was shocked to be treated so poorly by prospectors..
The club is of no importance so please do not ask wich club!!
Dustedyou likes this.

Reply With Quote Apr 21, 2013 07:06 PM # ADS
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Apr 21, 2013, 07:54 PM
#2B H Prospector 

Feb 2010Black Hills, South Dakota383 188 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Hey Marshal,
It is too bad you were treated so badly. I would get ahold of the club officers and let them know the type of members they are attracting and that you know longer wish to be a member and want your money back. I would also inform them that you will let it be known how they treat new members. I know the club near here would never tolerate such behavior.
oldbrundogg and
2 others like this.

Reply With Quote Apr 21, 2013, 08:18 PM
#3gold tramp 

Cpt. Herb BussellDec 201229 palms Califfisher gold bug185 112 times Prospecting
I dont belong to club and never would join one but have had cross thier claim and work the same district, and ive had the same type expierencese, they have even told folks that my boys and i are bad dudes, we dont even carry guns!!
Some folks i fear dont care for gold tramps AKA ( folks who have givin up the good life to pursue a life of gold prospescting ) like we got it better than some guy getting a pay check every week.
those guys oughta try to put togethether an ounce of gold, beleive me they would stick with the real jobs I gaurantee that.
Get well Get Gold.
Dustedyou likes this.

Reply With Quote Apr 21, 2013, 08:37 PM

Slave driverDec 2012Albuquerque122 49 times Prospecting
I'm With Tramp on that one.. I put on no aires, and don't go armed unless I'm out over-nite (Black Bears), but i have NEVER been rude to a passerby or another camper.. Rule of the wild...you might just learn something,, or need them. Kick the Club..to the ever loving curb.. get your monies back and come join one of us pukes out in the wilds! PS I have 7 kiddos they drive anyone nuts...lol so i am used to keeping cool under camping pressure...lol
"Get well Get GOLD!" Gold Tramp 2013...
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Reply With Quote Apr 21, 2013, 10:05 PM

Feb 2012Prather CAWhites GMT839 320 times Prospecting
Not much of a club, and not much a membership. Get your money back and move on. I have no problem with responsible use of firearms, but what you describe is not. You're probably too good to hanging with the likes of these arseholes.
Last edited by Oakview2; Apr 21, 2013 at 10:17 PM.
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"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

Reply With Quote Apr 21, 2013, 10:09 PM

Mr. Desert Rat to you!Feb 2013Douglas, AZNone at this time117 31 times Prospecting
I agree with B.H. on this one Marshal. Contact the Club Officers and let them know EXACTLY what you think of their setup and demand your dues back. Robi and I just joined up with a club out here and they seem like the exact opposite of what you've run into. Guns are pretty much required out here for several reasons. First off we're right on the Mexican Border ( I'm talking stone throwing distance here) and there are drug runners in the area. Secondly there are Javilina everywhere out here and you don't want to go against them without firepower if they decide to attack. And of course there's the ever present rattlers. People here don't take their guns out of their holsters unless yhey are needed. We have target ranges if we want to pop some caps.
Sackett and
Aurabbit79er like this.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 01:57 AM

Oct 2012Southern CaliforniaA cheap little Bounty Hunter366 183 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Yea That is sad you were prejudged and insulted by fellow members. They need to be reported if for no other reason to try to prevent that kind of abuse from happening to someone else. I'm in a new club and I was received like I was family. They where so mean to me, just kidding. They were very friendly and generous. I was able to visit the clubs outing before joining. I would still report any unfriendly members to the club leadership. My club is an old club here in California. The members I have meet so far are of the true miners code of brotherhood. I hope that it is not a rare thing. Don't let the bad spoil the good. There are good clubs.
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Reply With Quote Yesterday, 02:27 AM

Apr 2012650 168 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
The more time i spend with people the more i like my dog
Fabrication Specialists,
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DizzyDigger like this.
Im not crazy......my mother had me tested

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 05:46 AM

Pannin' Fer Gold!! WolfPack="WP"Feb 2011Greenwood, SCGarrett GTA 500 (need a new/better one)222 150 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Man I hatre to hear what happened to you...I'd not give up, if for no other reason then to make their lives miserable....and to think all you;d have to do to make them miserable is to be at a site, prospecting for gold, a right in which you paid GOOD MONEY to do...The same money they spent to be there!! Then of course you'd make them miserable by breathing the same air they breathe!!! At that something!!!! How can it be that you could make somebody miserable just by breathing the same air
Well, it appears that is the case here. these people will never be happy SO DON'T LET IT BORTHER YOU !!!! I seen and read many of your posts on here and I consider you a PROSPECTING BROTHER!!!! GOOD LUCK AND KEEP GOING!!!
GODS, GUNS & GUTS made this COUNTRY FREE...I'll KEEP all THREE you can have the CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 08:08 AM
#10Hoser John 

Mar 2003Redding,Calif.2,388 398 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Yuppie miners what next,nuttn' but pp envy as you walk the walk and all they get to do is talk the talk. You have much better control than I as I'd a told to go f themselves....no time or tolerance for stupidity...Mom and pop local yokel clubs cool,bign' carpetbaggers LL NO-John

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 12:27 PM

Sep 2012Oroville99.00 something or other from big 5136 42 times
Hey Mr. Marshall, IMHO, I don't know you but I've read your posts and watched many of your vids, you are a true prospector. You are a modern day prospector not a follow the fad kind of guy. Please don't let people like those get you down or second guess yourself.Keep going,keep finding the gold, keep enjoying life.

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