OK, some of my readers seem to believe that the documents I post are to obtuse for the average weekend gold miner. I don’t tend to agree because the average weekend gold miner is probably an engineer, auto mechanic, or school teacher during the week, and none of this stuff is rocket science. Also, you know that the weekend gold miners are smart, because they aren’t wasting there time playing golf.
Well, the document that I am posting this week placer-mining-california-doc-division-of-mines-and-geology is one that should be useful to almost every weekend gold miner whether you live in California or not.
This document is a very detailed thirty-seven page report on placer mining and from reading it you could pretty well go out and start washing dirt. It has plans for sluice boxes and lot of other cool stuff.
Strike It Rich!

Tagged with: California Gold Mines • Gold Miner • Gold Miners • Placer Mining • Sluice Boxes
Filed under: California Mining
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