globalminingsolutions.com offers the Best Deals on Gold Mining Equipment This operation is utilizing the 1000-A Wash Plant and the 1000-S Shaker Table (Both are now a part of the GMS series) as well as the RP4 gravity shaker table, for mining operations. Global Mining Solutions manufactures and sells worldwide line of superior mining equipment for gold and diamonds. Our industry leading heavy mineral recovery equipment is amazingly reliable, efficient, with extremely high recovery rates for fine gold, from 2? nuggets down to 1 micron, working in any environment. Our equipment has been designed and refined for over 20 years and has been successfully installed worldwide including North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe, totaling over 35 countries. Whether you’re after gold, platinum, titanium, copper or other heavy minerals, the GMS series wash plants and Shaker tables are the industry leaders. Startup costs are far lower as compared to other competitor’s products. It only takes a few hours of production time to return your investment! All of these things are important to us, why? Because we have our own mines that we run and we also help others get started in mining. The right choice in equipment is critical to the success of any operation. We can provide everything from the equipment, getting a mining license in the country desired to work in, handling the local government, we have experts all over the world constantly doing set ups and training …
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Categories: Gold Articles Tags: africa australia, america asia, Australia, fine gold, Global Mining Solutions, GMS, Gold, gold and diamonds, gold platinum, micron, mineral recovery, Mining, North America, nuggets, production time, Shaker Table, shaker tables, South America, Wash Plant, wash plants, world, years
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