I mentioned in a previous post that I think one of my greatest guilty pleasures in 2013 is going to be reading former Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham’s postings on Sulia, which is a micro-blogging site that (unlike Twitter) allows unlimited characters and pays its writers per page view. I’m so enthralled with her entries, in fact, that I’ve created what I hope to be a recurring segment called “Reflections with Farrah” in which I share with you some of my favorite selections from her oeuvre.
Today’s entry is from Friday (I’m a little behind because I wanted to create that potential award-winning graphic above!) and is Farrah talking about how she dealt with her three-year-old daughter Sophia’s unibrow problem by busting out some wax in a do-it-yourself project that didn’t quite go as planned.
Ideally I would interject commentary, but I think to do that would just ruin the flow, not to mention defiling the work of an artist! So here is Farrah’s post in its entirety. I will withhold my reactions until after it is complete. (Cue: classical music) Enjoy today’s episode of…
Sophia’s UNI-BROW , when is it time?
SOOOOOooooo, this is a touchy subject the Unibrow thing.
But recently I could not ignore it, like I know I’ve seen madonna’s duaghter have a stand out uni brow, I remember when I was little I had a unibrow, but I couldn’t remember if there was an age limit, a rule!
So here I am faced with a standout historical moment in motherhood when I can confirm to myself that my little, adorable,most cuddle-able cutie, baby girl has a Unibrow , I felt bad for her, and I started asking friends…. is this hair just going to fall out… is it just hormones at this age?, well the hair didn’t go away and others started saying it was here to stay.
So I told sophia (my daughter who is a late 3 years old) of the little issue on her brow, and I showed her how I waxed mine off, so I tryed to wax her, the second a dab hit the Uni, she touch it with the towel she had in her hand,
UHHH so now, wax was in the towel, and I yanked it back ASAP, but fuzz was not stuck to the wax stuck to her Uni, OMG moment, So now sophia was freaking out, so I had to act like it was a cool science project to get the wax off.
PLOT TO END THIS: Sophia feel a sleep, I got my tweezers and Pluck-pluck-pluck……soph was now saying ouch or anything and still was asleep, I got most of it off and then finally she woke up..I went to sleep .
The next morning I showed her and told her how well she did and she didn’t even know, She was more intrigued now to be ok with upkeeping her non-unibrow. I could tell she was proud.
Ah I feel like a good mom:) other moms tell me your ideas!
(Click here for Farrah’s original post on Sulia. Remember, it helps raise a few coins for Sophia!)
I’m not sure what to say.
My only thought is that perhaps this is just a marketing ploy for Farrah Abraham’s next children’s book, Unibrow Perfume:
Ah I feel like a good blogger other moms tell me your ideas!
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