Taylor Swift believes in fairy tales because she’s pretty much living one. To the chagrin of delusional Directioners everywhere, Harry Styles professed his love for Swift on New Year’s Eve — then jetted off with her to a tropical island.
If she ever complains about anything, read those two sentences to her over and over again. (And perhaps remind her that she took home $56 million last year.)
“Harry is head over heels for Taylor and even admitted he loves her while they were in the Big Apple,” a source told The Sun (via The Daily Mail).
Awww. So cute. (We’re gagging a little.)
Styles put his money where his mouth is, too — he even gifted her with a vintage emerald bracelet while they cozied up in New York City.
Aside from giving her ice (er, sort of) in the icy temps, Styles also warmed up to Swift in the Virgin Islands.
The couple took a trip to the tropics together, where they posed for pics with fans and ate by candlelight.
Considering how Swift loves using specifics in her songs, it’s a safe bet she’s whipping out her thesaurus on the flight home to find anything she can to rhyme with “Caribbean.”
As for whether she makes puns about the “Virgin Islands,” we’ll just wait for her next record. Or maybe ask John Mayer.
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