Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star Alana Thompson is nothing short of an inspiration! We’ve had a comic book, the Redneckipedia, an American Country Awards skit with Tim McGraw and Kristin Chenoweth, original artwork made completely of trash, and even a South Park episode. The latest addition to the Honey Boo Boeuvre is courtesy of 14-time Country Music Award winning singer/songwriter Brad Paisley, who unveiled his rendition of a Here Comes Honey Boo Boo theme song during his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Wednesday night:
And here are the Brad Paisley Here Comes Honey Boo Boo theme song lyrics for those of you wanting to sing along at home or perhaps practice up for your your next karaoke outing:
In the hills of Georgia, in a modest home
Lives a sugared-up beauty queen garden gnome
Here comes Honey Boo Boo — haw!
She’ll sing a song, whistle a tune
Eat ketchup ‘sketti with her Mama June
Here comes Honey Boo Boo — yee haw!
She’s roaming the country, she’s on the loose
Filled with balls of cheese and go-go juice
Here comes Honey Boo Boo — haw!
She’s fighting for justice and the American way
From the mountain tops she screams,
‘Everybody’s a little gay’ – That’s right!
An American hero down to the core
She eats her meals right off the floor
Here comes Honey Boo Boo (whip crack)
This is the Ballad of Honey Boooo Booooooooooo
In honor of his honoring Alana in song I hopped over to the “Honey Boo Boo Nickname Generator” app on Facebook and plugged in Brad Paisley to see what his HBB nickname would be. The answer? Booty Boo Piglet! Pretty awesome huh? Although I think I like Brad Glitzy better.
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