We’re deep into winter and starting to be nostalgic for summer! Unfortunately, every time I think of summer in the Tri-Cities I get nostalgic for Oasis Waterworks. I caught myself daydreaming about Oasis the other day and wanted some companionship — join in!
Here are what our members said. Add yours below.
Always wanting to go there when I visited Tri-Cities before I moved here, by the time I moved here it was closedGoing there every year for my birthday partySchool field trips & the snack barIt was a wonderful summer activity for my boysBeing sun burned and exhausted on the way homeScreaming all the way down the slideThe seagulls trying to eat my lunchGetting water up your nose at the end of the slides if you didn’t splash rightBeing scared you would land on someone coming off the water slidesWatching someone’s swimsuit come off at the bottom of the slideThat there actually was something fun to do in the Tri-CitiesHanging with friendsMiddle school nightsHaving our 8th-grade party thereSneaking your friends in through the bathroomBoth my children enjoyed several fun summers thereNot having enough money to go!Taking my kids when they were littleThe fast slides + watching the grand kids’ faces while they were having so much funCool water slidesThe long, cold climb from the pool to the top of the slidesThe shade fixtures that offered little to no shadeStopping halfway on the slides and wait for your friends or send some stranger down to plow into themThe seams on the slides that felt like they might tear you as you slid downTrying to watch the folks sliding while driving byGetting a stamp and then pressing it against your friends hand who was waiting outside the bathroomThe slide with the tunnel!All the hottiesThe lines up to the top!Sneaking alcohol on the busLittle feet hot and sore on that rough cement while waiting in line at the top of the hillBatting cagesPlaying arcade games while waiting for the bus or my mom to pick me upMowing lawns to get the money to goThe huge drop off on the steep slidesThat super fat slide that was fun, but wasn’tForgetting a towel and getting hot and itchy sunbathing
My friend bought cool old doors from Oasis at an auction - Check them out!View the original article here
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