Your Gold Mine of Prospecting Information on the Web
Get Excited as Hooked On Gold assists you, the recreational, small scale miner or gold prospector to find gold, use of dredging, mini sluice, metal detecting equipment, high banking, and our tips on using a Gold Pan. Find places to prospect for gold in Colorado, learn some of the geology and history of gold, the value of joining prospecting clubs, read the Prospectors Blog, familiarize yourself with prospecting Codes of Ethics so you are a knowledgeable and responsible prospector, get answers to your gold panning, prospecting, and equipment questions, so that you will be able to find golden adventures.

You can also get some of your questions about how gold is formed in those rocks you are detecting, too, on the Gold Formations page
Like pictures of BIG GOLD? Well, check out the slide show at For the Love of Gold.
A vacation to Colorado can be a wonderful experience for everyone. The Mine and Mining Museum Tour page has suggestions for many other things that you can do while you are here exploring Colorado's mining history.Last but probably first, you might like to know HOW to Find Gold. Where to look, what to look for, and some of the most unusual places that gold has been foundFYI: UPDATES coming this winter. WOW! What a mess! I may be putting up a new template as this one is getting glitchy. They all need updating from time to time, what with browsers updating and then not supporting old websites, along with other issues. If I do, it will take some time to rebuild. I'll keep you informed. ANNOUNCEMENTNew information concerning mechanized equipment can be found on the Cache Creek page. under "New for 2012" If you have read that page recently, reread it for the new information.The BLM is in the process of getting this year's information out regarding the Arkansas River and its' drainage. The new motorized equipment forms are available, and the biggest news concerns Cache Creek. Be advised that NO MOTORIZED EQUIPMENT OR HIGHBANKING will be allowed on Cache Creek. You will be restricted to hand/casual use equipment. Thanks to all of you out there who made this change possible. You know who you are....the hot heads, the groups who did their best to manipulate the rules, those who just could not get along as well as the thefts, fights, fires, and general 'mining town' rowdyness. I have warned you for years about this action. Thanks for listening. Keep it up and the BLM will have no choice but to close the area to everyone. Read about it on the blm site. You will need to navigate to Colorado and follow the instructions to the information on Cache Creek. It is also posted on the blog, and on the Cache Creek page here on the website. Prospecting to All of You.Have you ever wanted to know more about how to use a gold pan? Tips on how to use a gold pan can be found on the Gold Panning Tips pages.Trying to decide which gold pan is right for you? Read our gold pan reviews HERE
Gold is UP, Gold is DOWN. Watch it on the Charts and Regs page. Get the low down on the Prospector's Code of Ethics and general prospecting regulations, including dredging, on the same page.
Setting up a Sluice box can be a bit confusing. Our page is devoted to how to do it, giving you an explanation on the process as well as how sluice boxes work.
Metal Detecting? The MXT page will give you some information on the machine as well as some general detector use.
I have a twitter box at the bottom of this page. Scroll down to see what info may be there that hasn't (or won't) make it to the blog.
Former National and many time Colorado State Gold Panning Champions, Larry and Shirley Weilnau, bring to you their 40+ years combined knowledge and experience of gold, gold prospecting, dredging, highbanking, metal detecting, and gold panning, so that you can be successful in your search for gold. Take a tour of for some interesting photos, facts, and tips on everything that has to do with prospecting for gold, especially in Colorado. We welcome questions and cater to those who are just starting. Teaching has been an active part of our prospecting experience, and we willingly share most of what we know. (Hey, nobody tells where their "secret" spots are). Join us, and you may find yourself, also, Hooked on Gold.
Oh, that's me at the Queen mine last year in Bisbee, Az. They have everyone hold a dud so they can have their picture taken with the dynamite casing. Very nice tour.

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Copyright 2005-2012 Hooked on Gold Shirley Weilnau All Rights Reserved
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