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We all talk about, and spend a lot of time watching out for, those things that can bite us. I thought I would start this thread to talk about being bit and what some of your stories are on being bit. Here is my story:DizzyDigger likes this.
I live in Tuolumne County and one night, while watching TV on the bed with my wife and son, my son lets out a yelp and rolls over. I instantly rolled towards him to see what was up and got stung three times on the back by a scorpion (my wife took it pretty well that a scorpion was in our bed). Both my son and I likened the stings to a bee sting and I was quite pleased as to not have to fear scorpions as much as I once thought I should. The swelling went away after an hour or so. That worked out well for my son but several days later I had a pain inside, not like a muscle pull but a kind of burning in my organs. After a few days of this pain I went to the doctors to find out what was going on. The doctor did a number of tests on me and proclaimed I had Pancreatitis from drinking too much. I do love beer but I knew it wasn?t from drinking because I don?t drink that much. After a few more tests and basically being told I was lying about the amount of beer I drank, he sent me home. I then went to get a second opinion from a specialist on Pancreatitis. Well after poking and prodding me, reviewing the other doctor?s test, he also proclaimed I had Pancreatitis from drinking too much, ?Unless, of course, you?ve been bitten by a scorpion recently (with laugh)?. Ha, that is exactly what happened. It took a week or two for the symptoms to clear but they went away with no further problems. I was told if I get stung by a scorpion again, I should get a shot of anti-venom. Well, put scorpions back on the list of things I need to fear.

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Although I've spent the last 26 years living in the far Pacific NW, the first part was spent
chasing predators all over So. Cal. deserts and Nevada, so I pretty much cut my teeth
running around the deserts.
The advice I give people that are Greenhorns with little to no experience in a desert
environment is that:
"EVERYTHING out here can stick, bite, scratch or sting you, and a few of them are
deadly. Be sure and enjoy the desert, and, while walking around and enjoying the beauty,
be sure to keep your head out of your arse, and pay close attention to your surroundings
and every step you take. No doubt someone would always have to ask: "What if
I see a rattler?"
"What IF?? You get my attention immediately, and back away at least 8' from the snake and
let me deal with it. My #1 rule is..DON'T GET BIT!!!....'cause my truck is slow, and it's
a long, long ways to the hospital... not to mention how pissed I'll be at ya for molesting my
hunting trip!!!!"
Worst "mishap" I ever had out in the desert? hate to say it, but "back in the day" a bunch
of friends and I were camping on the Colorado River near Cottonwood Cove, and needless
to say we were pounding down beer like it was water (and Tequila, and Moonshine, and Daniels,
and, etc.)
I had to go drain the "wet tank", and as I started to walk away from the campsite one
of my buddies hollered at me...and as I turned to acknowledge his comment with a "Whhhaaadyousay",
my body continued going straight ahead. Well, at that point, knowing it was "crash-n-burn" or sit
my buns down immediately before things went from "bad" to Very Bad" I apparently just sat down
.....without looking at what was under me. (told later that my technique was quite graceful)
It just happened to be a very healthy young Barrel Cactus that had a minimum of 65 million
needles on it ....before my booty landed on them. Was also later told that, within nanoseconds
of those knives being "introduced" to my derriere that, instead of going down, or
in some horizontal direction...I went.... vertical, accompanied by a battle cry that
would of scared the carp out of Freddy Kruger...![]()
It was said that when I....descended (for lack of a better word), that I hit the ground on
my stomach, then crawled over to my sleeping bag and went to sleep..in the hot Sun.
Found out too late this was not a wise thing to do...
Ever woken up after a few hours in a warm sleeping bag out in 90F. heat? Did you also have
a massive hangover from all the only God knows what kind of alcohol you had consumed in
the previous 12 hours? So, as you are laying there on your stomach it you suddenly realize
that your backside has been somehow been penetrated with a couple hundred thousand
little needles (all with barbs!), and that your cheeks are swollen to the point where you've got
some serious booty tagging along behind?
2 min. later, my "formerly baby smooth cheeks" were on fire, and my mouth felt like the
Great Bird of Paradise had come along and taken a dump in it. Could life suck any more than
So, even with a bunch of one pound lead balls bouncing around inside my skull, and a mouth drier than
a popcorn fart, I had to accept that the only possible way these scimitars were coming out was by
me laying arse-up while my buddy used a set of pliers to yank, rip out and not-so-gently remove
the dozens of 2' harpoons I was impaled with at that particular moment in time..
SOB went and called over a crowd, told the story of how I wound up in that somewhat compromised
position (first time that I'd heard what I did!), and proceeded to make each extraction of those
8' spears as public and painful as possible..![]()
Moral of it all: NEVER, EVER mix Tequila, first run moonshine and Jack Daniels (in the same glass,
of course!).
Oh...and btw...watch out for Barrel Cactus..(or any other cactus)...cause those critters will bite ya.
And, if you do sit on one, from that point on it would be best for you to have a LOT of good Karma
saved up...you're gonna need every bit of it in order to avoid what I went through. Friends with
a sense of humor doesn't hurt, either..lol
Looking back on it all...I wouldn't have missed it for the world..
Funny thing...that same friend and I are still good friends, and in a couple of weeks I'm planning
to "escape" for about 10 days and take my first real vacation in nearly 12 years. First couple
days (after I get down to the Victorville area) Ken and I are going to be breaking in his new
drywasher. Been 30+ years since that happened...maybe this time it'll be his turn.
Last edited by DizzyDigger; Yesterday at 11:35 PM.spillercanyon and MrLee like this.
Mike (aka Dizz)
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more
common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost
a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
Calvin Coolidge

Hey Dizzy, had a friend do the same thing under the same circumstances (except no moonshine) and with his foot not his arse. He accidentally kicked a cactus one night in the desert stumbling around. The thorns went through his leather boot like they were made of paper and they too had barbs. We had to pull all of them out with pliers before he could take his boot off. He didn't find it nearly as funny as the rest of us.

A friend of mine was bitten by a prairie rattler last year and spent 3 days in the hospital. The bill totalled more than 30,000 usd.
My dog Ash was bitten by a small rattlesnake 2 years ago and spent 24 hours at the vet. He had some swelling around the bite on his right shoulder. He recovered very quick from the bite, but probably do yo the fact that we keep him vaccinated for rattlesnake. I havent done much research, but why can a dog be vaccinated and not humans?

Originally Posted by pmgsourdough
A friend of mine was bitten by a prairie rattler last year and spent 3 days in the hospital. The bill totalled more than 30,000 usd.
My dog Ash was bitten by a small rattlesnake 2 years ago and spent 24 hours at the vet. He had some swelling around the bite on his right shoulder. He recovered very quick from the bite, but probably do yo the fact that we keep him vaccinated for rattlesnake. I havent done much research, but why can a dog be vaccinated and not humans?I bet the bill was a long ways cheaper from the vet, too.....
I wish common sense was like the flu. Then, everyone would catch it......

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