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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 06:56 PM

Jan 2012Prescott Valley, AZTesoro Lobo SuperTraq67 16 times Prospecting Color in every pan!
Well, almost... I decided to go down to Lynx creek today which is about a mile from my house and do some panning. I got to a good looking area and had just set down my gear when an older prospector showed up and said I found a good spot. His name is Bob, and he told me he has his own website, prospbob.com, which I have yet to check out.
He was what you would refer to as a homeless person, but much more interesting than most I've met, and not crazy. He just preferred to camp full-time an go from area to area panning gold. And he was apparently quite good at it! He settled down about 50' from me and began regaling me with fantastic tales of the numerous pickers and nuggets he had gotten out of this area.
A little while later, a clean-cut man and his young son showed up and Bob greeted them with enthusiasm; they were apparently friends and had prospected together in the past.
So, I picked a spot in the creek bed and began to dig, with no color to show for my first few pans. Bob instructed me to dig the material in the bank and said I would get color in every pan. I was very skeptical; I hadn't gotten color in more than a couple of pans in a couple hours of work on prior excursions.
But, Bob seemed oddly believable and and I moved my gear and dug a shovel full of material from the bank, classified it and panned it.
Bob was right! This is my first pan:
I continued digging and panning for the next 2 hours while Bob explained that there was a huge 3-story dredge working this canyon in the 1800's, and the banks along the creek were the tailings piles it left behind. He said it was not very efficient and he regularly finds pickers and decent nuggets by working those old piles.
I got color in every pan for about an hour, then got skunked for about a half hour and ten pans, then I moved over a couple of feet and started getting color again. So, I classified about 3/4 of a bucket of material from that spot and brought it home to run through my Keene A51 tomorrow.
I was very satisfied with today's finds and plan on returning there next weekend...
Here is the creek I was in; not pretty but it has gold:

This is part of the water line that supplied the hydraulic miners that also worked the creek over a century ago:

The bank I was working:

The ever present and faithful prospecting companion, Rowdy:

B H Prospector and
1 others like this.

Reply With Quote Yesterday 06:56 PM # ADS
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Yesterday, 07:35 PM

Jun 2009Blue Ridge, South Carolina706 133 times
Great looking area there and nice dog! Thanks for the pics and story, enjoyed it.
Sample till you find the hot spot, then mine it till its gone! Then start over...

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 08:44 PM

KeithFeb 2013Glendale11 11 times Prospecting
Looks like I have been to that exact same spot. You are right about color in every pan. Need to bring a small sluice with you and set in the running water. When it runs. I have heard that some locals pull a half pound a year out of there. Have to put in a LOT of time to do that.
I wish common sense was like the flu. Then, everyone would catch it......

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 08:46 PM

KeithFeb 2013Glendale11 11 times Prospecting
Prob want to be careful about taking material from there. I am not sure on the regulations. I doubt it allows you to remove material.
I wish common sense was like the flu. Then, everyone would catch it......

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 08:49 PM

Jan 2012Prescott Valley, AZTesoro Lobo SuperTraq67 16 times Prospecting
Well, I finished the bucket I brought home, running it through my sluice. Got some color, but not much.

This is what I ended up with:

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 08:56 PM

Jan 2012Prescott Valley, AZTesoro Lobo SuperTraq67 16 times Prospecting
Originally Posted by kazcoro
Prob want to be careful about taking material from there. I am not sure on the regulations. I doubt it allows you to remove material.Not sure about the material issue; the guy with his kid brought out a bucket to process at home...
Bob told me that I could not sluice on that portion of the creek since it was on city park property and they allowed panning only. However, he said up by the bridge, it was allowed since it was Fain property and the family stipulated that sluicing and panning was OK.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 09:24 PM
#7B H Prospector 

Feb 2010Black Hills, South Dakota279 114 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
That is some pretty nice color. It all adds up and you mwill be surprised how fast it does. Nice looking creek.
B H Prospector

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 09:47 PM

Jan 201332 7 times
I don't think that's bad at all or 3/4 bucket.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 11:59 PM

Feb 201370 10 times
Nice. Cool place

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