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Went out last weekend and did some exploring and hiking in my area and hoped to find a mine with a horizontal entrance to explore. Most mines in my area are vertical shafts for some reason, making them impossible to explore without climbing gear.
This is the area I was exploring; snow flurries all day and temps in the 20's.
I found two nice mines within 100yds of each other, this is the entrance to the one I went in.
I went in and found it to be about 6' tall, 4' wide and very sound. No timbers, which is a good sign since it means the miners thought it was stable enough without the supports.
As soon as I went in, I noticed it smelled rotten and there was a cloud of flies.
About 25' in, the flies were gone and I started noticing some old tins and a riveted bucket. Also, just under the dust were some of the old wooden ties for the ore cart tracks. A little further in my dog decided he didn't want to any further. After a little coaxing, he reluctantly followed.
About 100' in the shaft made a 90 degree turn to the left, went about ten feet, then another 90 degree turn to the right.
In that ten feet, I discovered 3 javelina skulls and a bunch of bones. At this point, my dog had enough and headed for the entrance. I started getting nervous, wondering what could have killed a 50lb pig with tusks then drag it this far into the mine.
However, I just had to go to the next corner and peak around and see how much further the tunnel went.
I shined my light around the corner and it hit on a very large badger walking away and growling!
I slowly backed away and got out of there!
I had a pistol but didn't want to take the chance of discharging it in the mine and didn't want to kill a badger that wasn't threatening me.
I really want to go back without my dog and bring a partner so I can do some metal detecting and scrounging for artifacts.
Anyone else do any mine exploring?

TreasureNet.com is the premier Treasure Hunting Forum on the internet. Registered Users do not see these ads. Please Register - It's Free!Yesterday, 07:36 PM#2wvwildman

wish i lived out there i would go sounds fun

Found a Bear in a shaft up by Lynx creek many moons ago.Found a drum of Cyinide in another by Crown King will not go in another to dangerous.I sure miss the high desert.
"If the Gold dont care neither do I"
Shawn Pomrenke
4" Proline 2" Jobe combo 2.5" Keene
2.5" For Sale

I thought you were going to say Lion.

You got very lucky while making a greenhorn mistake! Had the mountain lion that ate those pigs - or if the pigs had been alive, you would have been in big trouble. Unless your dog knows how to use a cell phone, I would get a real partner before you try that again. Oh, and those mineshafts very often had shafts that went straight down off the main addit, and they would cover them with wooden planking - which over the years were covered in dirt and dust, and then rotted. Think about that as you are walking down the tunnel. If you do not know what you are doing, have no safety plan or equipment, or have not arranged a "check in" time with a friend for after your hunt - you are tempting the old mine gods.Reed Lukens likes this.
I have hurt, and been hurt - loved, and been loved.

Hell of a way to go. Broken, in the dark, who knows how many feet down.
I wish common sense was like the flu. Then, everyone would catch it......

That is so cool and interesting, Ive always loved mines and caves even thouggh we don't really have very many available here in Manitoba, or any that can be accessed and open.
I agree with the feedback of having a partner and 'check in' times
Good luck and be safe

I have one I've been eyeing but I'm too chicken **** to go in. I don't feel like being mountain lion lunch..

Terry Soloman likes this.Originally Posted by Terry Soloman
You got very lucky while making a greenhorn mistake! Had the mountain lion that ate those pigs - or if the pigs had been alive, you would have been in big trouble. Unless your dog knows how to use a cell phone, I would get a real partner before you try that again. Oh, and those mineshafts very often had shafts that went straight down off the main addit, and they would cover them with wooden planking - which over the years were covered in dirt and dust, and then rotted. Think about that as you are walking down the tunnel. If you do not know what you are doing, have no safety plan or equipment, or have not arranged a "check in" time with a friend for after your hunt - you are tempting the old mine gods.I called my dad down in Yuma and told him where I was and where the mine was before and after I went in. I'm also very aware of the dangers of mines and usually my dad comes up to explore with me. I just wasn't expecting a badger in there!
But your advice and admonishment is spot on; I should've waited to check it out...

Originally Posted by kazcoro
I thought you were going to say Lion.i was thinking the same thing beside a pack of coyotes

Pshhhh I'm not scared of a little Badger! Ok, I'm very scared of them and dark places so that would be a hell no! But let me know how it goes! Good luck!

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