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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 04:55 PM

Apr 2012Reno NV38 6 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting New Stuff: Is their a use for this new waterproofing
Never Get Wet With Ultra Ever Dry Coating
Ultra-Ever Dry is a superhydrophobic (water) and oleophobic (hydrocarbons) coating that will completely repel almost any liquid. Ultra-Ever Dry uses proprietary nanotechnology to coat an object and create a barrier of air on its surface. This barrier repels water, oil and other liquids unlike any coating seen before. The other breakthrough associated with Ultra-Ever Dry is the superior coating adherence and abrasion resistance allowing it to be used in all kinds of applications!
Ultra-Ever Dry is a superhydrophobic (water) and oleophobic (hydrocarbons) coating that will completely repel almost any liquid. Ultra-Ever Dry uses proprietary nanotechnology to coat an object and create a barrier of air on its surface. This barrier repels water, oil and other liquids unlike any coating seen before. The other breakthrough associated with Ultra-Ever Dry is the superior coating adherence and abrasion resistance allowing it to be used in all kinds of applications where durability is required. Ideal for use on metals, plastics, wood and fabric. Quart can covers 42 square feet.
The superhydrophobic coating keeps objects dry, water and many other liquids simply repel off.
Maximum corrosion protection since the superhydrophobic coating ensures water and moisture never actually contact the base material.
The superhydrophobic properties of Ultra-Ever dry keeps coated materials completely dry, eliminating the formation of ice.
Dust, dirt, water and other liquids that contain bacteria or radiation never actually contact the surface of the coated material so bacteria and radiation is greatly diminished or eliminated and easy to decontaminate to sterile, if needed.
The Ultra-Ever Dry repels dirty water and thick oils, and remains clean and virtually bacteria-free. When dust, dirt or other molecules accumulate on a superhyrophobic coated surface, a light spray of water or a blast of air grabs the dust and removes it.
Product Life-Extending
Many products fail from moisture, water, oil or simply getting too dirty for continued use. Use Ultra-Ever Dry superhydrophobic coating to extend the life of work gloves and other PPE, electric motors by preventing moisture on the windings, coat nuts and bolts to prevent corrosion, coat tools, equipment, and virtually any item that needs to be kept dry, corrosion free, de-iced, uncontaminated or clean. Save money, provide greater safety and a cleaner work environment.
Watch this: Ultra Ever Dry superhydrophic coating is insanely liquid repellent | Geek-Cetera | Geek.com

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