The area along the Skagit River, almost entire length through Skagit County in Washington State, in stream and gravel bars and adjacent benches and terraces contain placer gold. Near the head waters of Ruby Creek, is the Ruby Creek Placer, which was the first gold discovery west of the Cascades.
In the city limits of Anacortes, T35N R1E N 1/2 of section 25, is the Stephens (Fidalgo) Mine. The Stephens Mine was a copper-silver mine with a by product of gold. In the area bench black sand deposits are the Anacortes placers. Southwest of town 3.5 miles from town center is the Anacopper Mine, which also produced a by product of gold from a copper-silver operation. Out of town 4.5 miles, in T34N R1E sections 1 and 2 is the Fidalgo Island Mine which also was a by product mine. Southwest of town 6 miles is the Matrix Mine which also produced gold from a by product of its copper ores.
Fidalgo Island
Along the area beaches on the entire shoreline you can find placer gold in black sand deposits.
The area of Day Creek is where the Day Creek placers were located. They are said to be very rich.
In the Marblemount area of Johnsburg, on the south side of the North Fork of the Cascade River, in the W 1/2 of Section 25 and the E 1/2 of section 26 of T35N R13E, is the Midas Mine. The Midas Mine consist of 5 claims with minor gold, lead, silver and zinc ores. Southeast of the Midas Mine, in the SE 1/4 section 25 and NW 1/4 section 36, is the Soldier Boy Mine, 5 claims for lode gold with copper, silver, zinc.
Mt. Vernon
Southeast of Mt. Vernon on Devils Mountain, in S 1/2 section 4 T33N R4E, is the Mt. Vernon (Devils Mt. Pacific) Mine. This mine consisted of 2,100 acres overlapping into adjoining sections. They are producing free gold in nickel-chromite ores. East of Mt. Vernon, near the summit of Bald Mountain, in Section 17 T34N R6E, is the Bald Mt. Mine. The Bald Mt. Mine was a copper mine that produced a by product of gold.
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