Sunday, April 21, 2013

Abolishing Private Property in America

Normally I would not write a post about a website. I would normally post a link at the side with the all the other well worth websites to visit. However, after exploring this particular site I am about to share, I think it is important to spread this information and I am taking time to share my knowledge about Taking Liberty. Taking Liberty is a comprehensive look at the lower 48 states showing region by region,  and how the Environmental Movement is rapidly abolishing Private Property in America.

This is very detailed look into the twisted views and agenda’s of many of America’s environmental movements and organizations, along with the agenda’s set forth by the United Nations and elitists in our country. In order for there to be a one world government, “they” know they have to bring America down to a equal level with other nations of the world.

Here is the site. Let me say this: “You” really need to pay attention to this one. Stop, take some time and absorb the information. A quick glance will not suffice.”

Another great catch from one of the members of the Oregon Gold Hunters forums

View the original article here


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