After placer gold was discovered in 1849, rich lode veins were opened in 1850 above the placer workings. Placer gold production is estimated at 2,415,000 ounces and lode gold at 2,045,700 ounces
The Calaveras River channel and all tributaries contain rich placers. In the Table Mountain area placers were also very rich. Located at township 3N and Range 10E, along the Calaveras River, you will find the Jenny Lind District which had large scale dredge and drag-line operations, with and estimated production of over 1,000,000 ounces of placer gold.
Camanche district, in NW part of county, had a total production estimated at 1,000,000 ounces, along the Mokelumne River there were huge, bucket type dredge operations with rich placer gold. Campo Seco district, located at township 4N and 5N and range 10E, in northwest part of county had a total production around 70,000 ounces. All the area tributary stream gravels contain rich placers. You will also find the Pern Mine, it was primarily a copper mine with a rich by product of gold. Mokelumne Hill district located at township 5N range 11E. South of the Mokelumne Hill 2 miles you will find the Eclipse Mine, Infernal Mine, and other mines that were large producers of lode gold.
Angeles Camp had many area mines. The Keystone Mine, Lancha Plana Mine, and Union Mine were gold mines with a by product of copper. The Utica Mine and Gold Cliff Mine were major producers of lode gold. Melones district contained over 800 lode mines. Carson Hill was the most productive area and contained many mines with rich lode gold deposits. The Sheep Ranch Mine was a huge producer of lode gold. The Royal Mine was also a large producer of lode gold, with over 10,000 ounces of production.

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