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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 09:01 PM

Jul 2012colfax, caGarrett gtax 400367 135 times Prospecting charter services?
Anyone have any imput on going rates for charter services on claims? Is equipment provided? Keep the gold?

Reply With Quote Yesterday 09:01 PM # ADS
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Today, 06:34 AM

Mad MarshallNov 2012Placer County CA156 104 times Prospecting
Chris it was my understanding john D provided services though I cant say I have heard him praised what is his goining rates? ect ect ect?

Reply With Quote Today, 08:59 AM
#3Terry Soloman 

TerrySoloman.comMay 2010Congress, AZ - White Plains, NYTesoro Sand Shark - Tesoro Lobo SuperTraq - Minelab GPX 50003,553 1179 times Prospecting
At Arizona Gold Adventures, we charge about $400.00 per day per couple, provide all equipment, a personal guide and instructor, and you keep all the gold you find.
Please visit my Website http://TerrySoloman.com

Reply With Quote Today, 09:50 AM

Feb 201329 13 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Originally Posted by Terry Soloman
At Arizona Gold Adventures, we charge about $400.00 per day per couple, provide all equipment, a personal guide and instructor, and you keep all the gold you find.In the Auburn CA area (and apparently in OR and NV), there is an outfit Outlaw Mining that does tours. I've talked to Clayton the owner and he seems like he knows his stuff. He seems to have some pretty good locations to go to.

Reply With Quote Today, 11:27 AM

Jul 2012colfax, caGarrett gtax 400367 135 times Prospecting
Mm: he does, charges between $50 & $100 per person per day, provides food and equipment, you keep the gold. His health has been rather poor as of late, he wants me to take people to his claims, but I am hesitant. Not sure about isuramce waivers, and stuff of that nature. Plus, I am still a stay at home dad...
Thanks for all the imput guys!????

Reply With Quote Today, 06:40 PM

Mad MarshallNov 2012Placer County CA156 104 times Prospecting
Originally Posted by 419GottaMinute
Mm: he does, charges between $50 & $100 per person per day, provides food and equipment, you keep the gold. His health has been rather poor as of late, he wants me to take people to his claims, but I am hesitant. Not sure about isuramce waivers, and stuff of that nature. Plus, I am still a stay at home dad...
Thanks for all the imput guys!????Just curious about how much gold does his customers average?His claim is on Shirtail if I remember right? It seems to me he would have provided you with that info? Does he even have Cpr training? It seems to be a more of an under the table kinda thing? Anyway on a different note sometime back I was going to do a roundtrip walk of shirtail canyon rd anyway I mostly spent the day hopping from one car to the next and ended up in a truck on my way back to colfax..Chris this guy had handguns everywhere and as he moved them off the passenger seat floorboard and dash.. I wouldnt say he was the most talkitive and his build is somewhat intimidating but he cracked a beer and passed it..Some how the prospecting store in colfax was brought up and he stated he has ties too One of Johns partners...Richard maybe I dont know for sure but I think the Guy who picked me was Ben he has a claim right next to John on Shirtail..Anyway was wondering if you know him

Reply With Quote Today, 07:17 PM

Jul 2012colfax, caGarrett gtax 400367 135 times Prospecting
Allen: the store is definitely a "work-in-progress". I help out when I can, if I can. We are still working out the kinks, as the store had only been open since july. Ammo shortage hit us pretty hard, but the miners on the bear, yuba and american have been pretty busy all winter long, selling us their gold has kept the doors open.
Glad to see you and your brother are hitting the trails hard and posting lots of good video!
Wishing you and your family all the best

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