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Went to the GPAA show in Turlock today, made a side trip to Snelling and did some metal detecting in the park bucket line dredge piles. What a mass of rocks they washed back in the day. You can look at google pics, but it doesn' t do it justice. No pieces but I have a couple of pieces of quartz have something in them, no not visible. May have to crush and pan to figure out exactly what it is. Looking forward to Thurday. M y son and I are going on a three day dig northeast of Coulterville, we have groceries and a plan. Talked to Rob Gorham at the show also. Sounds like he found quite the specimen piece. Going to some special high end auction in Vegas, over 120 ounces of gold, over 20 pounds in total and he said it could bring almost a quarter of a million. Must be quite the piece. Great guy with tons of good experience. Sorry I had to leave before his seminar on advance mining techniques...
"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

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Don't forget to let us know how the three day dig goes Oakview2!
Garrett AT Pro
Whites Matrix M6..: What Pennylvania County Do You Live In? :..
"A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington (January 7th, 1790)

"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

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Oak, I pass those piles everytime I go to the RV in AZ. They are HUGE! What really makes me drool is that strip of grass in front of the Mustang Territory (school). TTC
A 5 minute response time is not an option when I must make a choice in about 5 seconds!

Those are impressive arent they?My grandmother often spoke of the roar they made and they ran 24 hrs a day....could you imagine the racket they made?
Its a shame but I havent talked to Rob(some friend I am)Sounds like I need to touch base with him
Ya know........a few weeks ago at a place every body pans...I was driving by and there was a pickup backed down to the creek(very odd there)and two people were loading a rock.There is a huge piece of the Mother Lode Vein visible there so I just figured somebody was getting a big quartz rock..................I wonder
Last edited by kuger; Yesterday at 10:02 AM.
M.X.T , Tesoro Tejon
"A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens."

I did find some small water worn quartz pieces that beeped. Nothing visible, but will crush and pan at some point..
"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

Those cobbles/tailings go on for miles. When you think about it they could be the other half of Half Dome.
Good luck on your dig OV2. Your going to be in my neck of the woods. Did Rob Gorham have the display on the right just as you went in the show? Sure was a lot of gold under that glass.

Actually he was working at the Keene boothe, but their was a spot just like you described, just as you enter and there was some brilliant peices.
Last edited by Oakview2; Today at 09:38 AM.
"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

...keep me posted on whats in that rock.Thats the type of gold that most likely got through the dredges!I still wonder if Rob's piece didnt come from where I think it did.....as good a friends as we are,I wouldnt expect him to tell me,if it did...but if it did.....there has been thousands of people walk over it.Those two people were going through an awful lot to bring home a chunk of quartz
M.X.T , Tesoro Tejon
"A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens."

I believe he offered that it came from his mining operation, but I did not feel comfortable asking any specifics other than what he brought up... That is the second time I met him and he is a cordial and interesting guy, and the first time we met him, he let my 17 year old son hold 3lbs of nuggets. What a awesome sightWe have been looking for some just like them, but have not found them yet
"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

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