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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeApr 16, 2013, 11:30 PM

Sep 2012Oroville99.00 something or other from big 5132 40 times " Sampling" what a concept !
So for the past couple months I've been sitting here stirring and feeling sorry for myself complaining about not having time to go prospecting. Today I said enough is enough, I had a two hour window between finishing things up around the house and picking the kids up from school. Sampling, I grabbed some tools, couple pans, half inch screen threw them in the pack and headed up the hill. Twenty minute drive parked walked 100ft down the creek found a crevice and worked 4 pans from it. Damned if I didn't find color, teeny tiny color but there it was. Snuffed the black sands up jumped back in the truck and made it back in time to get the kids.
Two great hours some tiny gold and stress be gone.

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kuger and
Astrobouncer like this.

Reply With Quote Apr 16, 2013 11:30 PM # ADS
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Apr 16, 2013, 11:33 PM

Cruces NomadNov 2010Las Cruces, New MexicoF75, and a 15" super sluice.615 109 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
I been sampling for over a year, and got nothing. But I will keep trying.
The last 20' feet is the hardest.

Reply With Quote Apr 17, 2013, 07:13 AM

May 2009Garden Valley, ca.goldmaster 4/b542 221 times
olbrundog in your first pic left hand side, there is a crack with some grass growing out of it.....see it? You MUST clean out that crack!!!!..if you find color in it find more like it
You should be able to pop that rock off actually with a cowbar......and above that is another moss covered piece of bedrock with a crack hit that one too.
B H Prospector,
Astrobouncer and
2 others like this.

Reply With Quote Apr 17, 2013, 08:15 AM

Sep 2012Oroville99.00 something or other from big 5132 40 times
thanks for the advice Pville, so many cracks to choose from.

Reply With Quote Apr 17, 2013, 12:14 PM

May 2012nevada727 316 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Pville, - I never see posts of mossing techniques. When I was prospecting, the drudgery of moving dirt all week would cause me to take a break and go
mossing once in a while. It was much easier physically, and always yielded a half gram or so of super fine gold for a half days work. Did you do any mossing?
and what success did you have?
OBD - glad you got out to de-stress for a couple hours!
kuger likes this.

Reply With Quote Apr 17, 2013, 12:57 PM

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Nov 2007California,M.X.T.& Tesoro Tejon8,184 1351 times

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Gold & Silver
Originally Posted by Fullpan
Pville, - I never see posts of mossing techniques. When I was prospecting, the drudgery of moving dirt all week would cause me to take a break and go
mossing once in a while. It was much easier physically, and always yielded a half gram or so of super fine gold for a half days work. Did you do any mossing?
and what success did you have?
OBD - glad you got out to de-stress for a couple hours!Fullpan,beat me to it!!!Get that moss too.Mash it up in your pan,you may be very,very surprised!!!!
I have done quite well through the years just mossing.One spot in particular,I bet through the years I have taken ounces from the moss.Its in a tight canyon,choke point,that doesnt get much sun,so there is moss on every thing.The area is pretty rich,so at high water(flood stage)all that fine gold is water borne,and that moss acts as ...well,like "Miners Moss",in your sluice box,the natural carpet of the waterway!I have also got some mellon seed sized pickers "mossin"
Last edited by kuger; Apr 17, 2013 at 01:02 PM.
Fullpan likes this.
M.X.T , Tesoro Tejon
"A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens."

Reply With Quote Apr 17, 2013, 01:17 PM

Feb 20137 1 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Hi OBD. Your little sampling spot is what some people would walk miles of creek to find. Just from the pics it's clear that the signs are good, cracks & crevices, water worn rocks etc. Move up to a little sluice & you could do well. Remember that the creek may not have always been the size it is today or run where it does now. Search either side for similar features & test again. As you've already been advised ..... get down those cracks, the pickers & clunkers are down the bottom. Nothing like success to drive the enthusiasm. Best of luck.
63bkpkr likes this.

Reply With Quote Apr 17, 2013, 02:11 PM

Northern CaliforniaAug 2007Northern CaliforniaXLT, GMT, 6000D Coinmaster1,626 466 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Thank you OBD as you've just added some fresh air and sunshine to my day. Lovely pictures, great story and great replies......................63bkpkr
Out searching w/GMT & friend under my arm

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 07:31 AM

May 2009Garden Valley, ca.goldmaster 4/b542 221 times
yep....wash the moss....also wheneer you find bedrock with a "line of moss"...that is a crack dig it... Moss is also a good inital sampling tool if your on a creek run some moss from both sides wichever side has the most gold in the moss is a good side to start sampling better traps. OD looking at the pic with the little waterfall and bedrock dike unless thats a boulder
....makes those cracks look even better. During high water its not always about if an obstruction becomes a trap....its also about how does this obstruction affect the current 5 to 15 feet downstream? those traps downstream are just sitting there with there mouths open...mmmmmmm....I love cracks

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 08:04 AM

3/4 gypsy and a 1/4 wildMar 2013Where ever I throw my bed.35 10 times
Root clumps too.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 12:34 PM

Sep 2012Oroville99.00 something or other from big 5132 40 times
Thanks everybody for the encouragement and helpful advise. I think I have a better understanding of the cracks to look for at first I was trying to read the creek bed like a sluice but now thinking about it if there is a crack in the bedrock the gold bouncing around the bottom will drop in and stay put it doesn't have to be behind a riffle source. Now I would like little more info on mossing. .
This I showed on another thread to N8 would like to gravity dredge this hole it's about 1/4 mile down from the pics. Also someone at work suggested I get that moss on the wall.
Thanks again still need lots of help

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