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Im still in my early stages of prospecting but eager to get out more but when I'm out there I find myself going, I should have brought that. What are some of the more important pieces of equipment to take out in the field? Thanks for the feed back!!

TreasureNet.com is the premier Treasure Hunting Forum on the internet. Registered Users do not see these ads. Please Register - It's Free!Mar 31, 2013, 08:23 PM#2ywevis

Gold Grabber Dredge... gold cube..

Where can you dredge at??

Shovel, pick, and gold pan. Obvious items but it is amazing how many people will for get one of them.MadMarshall and Aurabbit79er like this.

I take two shovels with me. My long one and a army e-tool. Can't get that dirty moving without it! (unless you are dredging) I had one break in the field once and it about ruined my day till i just unfolded my backup plan lol. Also the pan is what it all comes back to in the end, carry two of those as well. A great pack to hold all your equipment is very nice to have. I'm a combat vet so i know what it means to be prepared lol. Fresh water to drink is a must if you happen to get hurt or immobilized your survival time just about doubles with it. I have a 100 oz bladder a keep in my pack. Buckets to move material, classify or just to sit on is great to have. A knife to do just about anything with is a good security and a way to create fire. Duct tape, flashlight and multi tool are good justincases lol. Don't forget your sniffer bottle! If your running a sluice something to feed it good to have i use a standard issue canteen cup. That thing has been used and abused and keeps on keepin on! Last but not least your gold getting device (sluice)! Hope this helps. There is probably some things i missed I'm sure someone else will have some great ideas too! Good luck getting that gold!Prospecting P. and Jeff95531 like this.

Dredge...the only REAL prospecting tool there is.

Perseverance and a curious mind.midnightmoon and Aurabbit79er like this.

The most important things are your head and your body. Take care of both!Jeff95531, Aurabbit79er and midnightmoon like this.

Originally Posted by OldyoungtimerI take two shovels with me. My long one and a army e-tool. Can't get that dirty moving without it! (unless you are dredging) I had one break in the field once and it about ruined my day till i just unfolded my backup plan lol. Also the pan is what it all comes back to in the end, carry two of those as well. A great pack to hold all your equipment is very nice to have. I'm a combat vet so i know what it means to be prepared lol. Fresh water to drink is a must if you happen to get hurt or immobilized your survival time just about doubles with it. I have a 100 oz bladder a keep in my pack. Buckets to move material, classify or just to sit on is great to have. A knife to do just about anything with is a good security and a way to create fire. Duct tape, flashlight and multi tool are good justincases lol. Don't forget your sniffer bottle! If your running a sluice something to feed it good to have i use a standard issue canteen cup. That thing has been used and abused and keeps on keepin on! Last but not least your gold getting device (sluice)! Hope this helps. There is probably some things i missed I'm sure someone else will have some great ideas too! Good luck getting that gold!That's some great stuff to bring along thanks for the tips!! Good luck out there!!

Originally Posted by FullpanPerseverance and a curious mind.That's right Fullpan!!

B H Prospector likes this.Originally Posted by B H Prospector
Shovel, pick, and gold pan. Obvious items but it is amazing how many people will for get one of them.
the most important tools for a prospector!! IF he can't turn a profit with those Items he may want to rethink his line of work!! oh yea you need knowledge too!

Classifiers! And five gallon buckets with lids, the lids are key! Keeps paydirt where it belongs if you don't pan it all out while you're onsite. I like bringing a camera along too, always find something interesting to take a picture of, plus it's good for my note taking later, or for posting pictures to share here. And a sandwich or two can keep you going for a little while longer. Oh and if you're getting into cold water some hip waders sure help keep you warm! And I always bring extra clothes since I tend to end up wet or muddy too.Goodyguy likes this.

For prospecting placer it's my GMT for reading the black sand and for hard rock it's my Gamma detector. For working placer it's my 50 gallon plastic water tank, my hand cranked trommel,Gold Cube then my old Keene Green Bowl. Works for me.

I'd have to say my PANS!Prospecting P. likes this.
Because I start with a pan -- sampling.
And I end it in a pan -- cleanup.
Truth is, I smile into my pans more than I smile at most people.![]()

I only bring what I can pull down the trail with my modified mountain bike and gear loaded hand truck.midnightmoon and Jeff95531 like this.. ...and that's all I bring.
In all the advancing we can do to improve this world, the sharing of knowledge and wisdom is the most important.
We stand on the shoulders of giants.
I am so glad I joined this Message board.
If I post anything that inspires anyone to do better mining then me, I did my part.
And If anyone inspires me to try something new, or better, I thank them now.

The most important tool is your healthy body as without it all of the above is absolutely useless. Followed by common sense in difficuly situations with the ability not to panic in dangerous situations. Then a pan as no matter what ya run,ya always end up with a pan in your hand man. Been thata way for 1,000s a years so learn from the wisdom of the ages and learn to pan EXPERTLY. As ifn' ya don't, it doesn't matter what ya run because you'll just throw it all back by lousy panning in the end-John

Essentials, pick,shovel,screwdriver,small hand shovel,a big pan,in the desert I would add a small puffer washer.Then for production add a coupl buckets,a sluice or large blower washer,and a finish pan.A dredge if its practical.

Originally Posted by Fullpan
Perseverance and a curious mind. Good one Fp
You have to be this way to hard rock prospect the desert.
2 canteens, eye glass, rock hammer, day pack with trauma kit, bee hood ,signal mirror ,camera ,sample bags , and my little trail dog who at the end of the day leads
me back to my camp or rig.

Jeff95531 likes this.Originally Posted by Hoser John
The most important tool is your healthy body as without it all of the above is absolutely useless. Followed by common sense in difficuly situations with the ability not to panic in dangerous situations. Then a pan as no matter what ya run,ya always end up with a pan in your hand man. Been thata way for 1,000s a years so learn from the wisdom of the ages and learn to pan EXPERTLY. As ifn' ya don't, it doesn't matter what ya run because you'll just throw it all back by lousy panning in the end-John John i couldnt agree with you more on your post! my back is my most important tool. without it, nothing else matters!

A magnifying glass is good to have. And as Hoser John said, learn how to pan. I quess my contribution here would be "Knowledge" on how to use all of your tools well and how and where to look for gold.

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