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May 2006Pagosa Springs, ColoradoWhite's MXT, AM Recon Sluice169 19 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting Sampling in SW Colorado
Went up to Piedra Falls Tuesday to do a little recon and sampling. River and falls are running full blast due to the spring snow melt in the mountains. River is running so fast the rocks are creating huge problem areas. Did some sampling just to see if anything showed and got 4 flakes in the first pan(no I didn't take any photos). It'll probably be late June or early July before it's really slowed down so we can do some serious panning/sluicing. We plan to spend considerable time on the river this summer since there were 2 producing gold mines up there in the late 1800's.
jmoller99 and 63bkpkr like this.

Reply With Quote Yesterday 11:02 AM # ADS
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Yesterday, 11:07 AM#2

Feb 2013Deep in the redwoodsTeknetics Alpha 2000151 42 times Prospecting
It's great to get out and even better with color found in the pan. HH

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 03:10 PM#3

Northern CaliforniaAug 2007Northern CaliforniaXLT, GMT, 6000D Coinmaster1,878 586 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Jeff95531, I've a few cans of spray paint I can lend you if you want a little color in your pan.
Just something like this could cause a person to spend an entire month working his/her tail off. Nice green color, shame that nugget got in the way just as the picture was snapped.
khpony, that sounds like a very nice trip you just had! Being able to find a few good flakes with water screaming on by you is a good sign. But then any hike in the outdoors is a good time...................63bkpkr
Jeff, I could not help myself. 
Out searching w/GMT & friend under my arm

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 08:21 PM#4

Feb 2013Deep in the redwoodsTeknetics Alpha 2000151 42 times Prospecting
Jeff, I could not help myself.
You always know when to strike, don't you?
As of today, I have the following irons in the fire:
Day before yesterday, I went to my submerged honey hole...river is way low...and I got samples! Four flakes in a 1/2 a shovel full. I have NEVER found gold this far down river..and get this...top 3 inches...all sand. Someone was there before me tho...I saw the 3 sample holes, and the painted rocks, and the sticks pointing at it...OMG, Really??! I disturbed all of that...but not before I tested the holes he was digging...all had nothing.
Oh, and I'm sure I mentioned I got my wife a MD. (no really, it's for her) Anyway, I begin to put together a search plan for local 1850 and up sites. Turns out we were there before just sight seeing! We could find anything from 2013 back to 1857, including gold! What a place to start with!
No matter how many times I check FedEx Tracking, it still says it won't show up until Monday am.
My sluice is on indefinite hold cuz my bro started a business of his own, the salmon are starting to run off the coast, bottom fishing opened the 15th...
But I got 5 gl of concentrates under my travel trailer just begging to be discovered
And my main explorer, the 2000 Ford Explorer is really starting to feel sorry for itself, after living on nice flat terrain in FL, we have expected, lets just say more of the old girl. She is returning the favor, it goes in the shop (again) for a loud clunk going from reverse to drive.
Huh? I'm sorry, where was I?
Last edited by Jeff95531; Yesterday at 08:53 PM.
Fullpan likes this.

Reply With Quote Today, 09:49 AM#5

Mr. Desert Rat to you!Feb 2013Douglas, AZNone at this time157 45 times Prospecting
Seems the truck problems are spreading Jeff! Had to put the F-150 in the shop the other day because it was running like someone had dropped a wrench into the crankcase. Turned out to be a bad cam position sensor.
Robi and I took a little drive on Mothers' Day and brought back 15 gallons worth of samples from a new area. Found a lot of flour in it as well as a mini nugget about the size of a pin head. This was just sampling the wash by the road. I've got to go get more materials but I'm on Munchkin wrangling duty so that's pretty much out. Oh well... I've got some cons that need working down so I guess that's going to be the plan for today.
"Some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope!!!" 

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