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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 06:33 PM

Sargent DictatorJul 2012Sterling VA132 26 times Prospecting Help A Newbie?
My guess is that you guys have gotten lots of these types of threads, and srry for posting another. But I have been on the Tnet for a while , mainly in the CRH/Metal Detecting Sections, and have been stockpiling silver so that after collage I could cash out and buy a gold claim and start hunting for nuggets :P. My question is how does one go about buying a gold claim that isnt a scam, and will produce a decent amount per yard? Also what would be the cheapest and best equipment for a newbie to start out with?
Thanks and hh
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Reply With Quote Yesterday 06:33 PM # ADS
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Yesterday, 09:10 PM
#2Terry Soloman 

TerrySoloman.comMay 2010Congress, AZ - White Plains, NYTesoro Sand Shark - Tesoro Lobo SuperTraq - Minelab GPX 50002,995 812 times Prospecting
Originally Posted by sagthegreat
My guess is that you guys have gotten lots of these types of threads, and srry for posting another. But I have been on the Tnet for a while , mainly in the CRH/Metal Detecting Sections, and have been stockpiling silver so that after collage I could cash out and buy a gold claim and start hunting for nuggets :P. My question is how does one go about buying a gold claim that isnt a scam, and will produce a decent amount per yard? Also what would be the cheapest and best equipment for a newbie to start out with?
Thanks and hhThe best way is through research and sampling. The worst way is trying to learn how to do it on an Internet forum, or buying one on the Internet. For every good gold claim there are 100-bad ones, or flat out scams. Buying and selling gold claims is a cut-throat game. If you're a "Greenhorn," they will eat you alive.
Cheapest equipment? A Garrett gold panning kit, a shovel, gloves, and a Five-gallon bucket. Best of luck!
B H Prospector and
Aurabbit79er like this.
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Reply With Quote Yesterday, 09:33 PM
#3B H Prospector 

Feb 2010Black Hills, South Dakota223 71 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
I researched first by putting boots to the ground. Hike around in a known gold area and look for likley spots. As Terry said sample once you found and area that intrests you but before sampling research the area to make sure it isn't already claimed. If it shows good color and it isn't claimed then put one on it. The one I found was an old depression era claim and was abandoned since. I tested it and put in a claim. If you are going to try to buy a claim use caustion as was said. I would suggest you buy from a reputable miner who has a good rep and has actually worked the claim himself. Also ask to work it for a weekend at locations on the claim of your choosing. If he is legit he wouldn't have a problem with that. What a claim will produce is a crap shoot at best. Even assays can be wrong so sample in several locations on a claim. There may be only one small area that has gold. For equipment I would add a sluice, what ever you can afford nothing fancy.
Good Luck!
B H Prospector
Aurabbit79er likes this.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 09:34 PM

Oct 2012Southern CaliforniaA cheap little Bounty Hunter251 108 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
We were all newbies at one time. You will only get past it by getting out there and start mining and prospecting. Join a local club, and that will help your learning curve.
Mining is mostly "Hands On" learning. Unless you apply what you learn to the task, words mean nothing. Get out there and get dirty and wet and dusty, like I did this last week end

Last edited by Aurabbit79er; Yesterday at 09:38 PM.
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