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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 06:45 AM

Aug 2012ReddingEyes - Gold Bug Pro682 111 times Prospecting Busy Busy Busy! (Back in Redding! lol)
Heya Everyone;
I have not been on much in the last couple of weeks, we have been super Busy.
A few things in Sacramento did not work out how they were suppose to and we decided to cut our losses and come back home to Redding.
Pretty much in a nutshell, we went down there to help my physically/mentally disabled mother after she called me sobbing on the phone that she was going to lose everything. We paid her back taxes to save her house, did many a backed chore around the house and got told to get lost after we forked out darn near $3000 (well over that after expenses), moved our entire house down there and started my oldest daughter in school down there.
There is a lot more to this insane mess but I really dont want to get into it, I am just happy to be back in Redding.
For everyone who wanted to meet up on the American this Summer, I will still come down to give it a shot. 
Take care.
Aurabbit79er and
1 others like this.
Head in the water, butt in the air.
Now I know why ducks do it!
Underwater Sniper n00b

Reply With Quote Yesterday 06:45 AM # ADS
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Yesterday, 08:15 AM

Feb 2012Prather CAWhites GMT638 204 times Prospecting
Sorry to hear that it did not work out. But perhaps it is for a reason and you are where you should be, not where other folks think you should be. Good health and good hunting..
"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 09:16 AM

Mar 2012Costa MesaGold Bug, Ace 250, Google Earth191 27 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Family drama is the worst. I'm helping my father out right now and it's really dragging me down, but what can you do? Now you'll have more time to chase after the shiny stuff.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 11:08 AM

Jul 2012colfax, caGarrett gtax 400201 46 times Prospecting
Sorry bout your family :-( I know how that is! Still looking forward to a sniping lesson or two this summer, I know a lot of exposed bedrock in the canyons around here. In the process of getting a wet suit. When your thinking of heading this way, pm me. I think your well on your way to master sniper.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 11:18 AM

Mar 201254 10 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Neo ,an old Irish proverb:" you can't choose your family so pick your friends well. " Roll with the punches Bud

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 12:01 PM

\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\How Gold Is Mined\treasurenet\charter.gif)

Come out from under your bed today...... DO SOMETHING!Jun 2008Yarnell, AZ and Murphys,CARight now: Garrett GTA 500, ACE 250, Fisher Impulse 8, Gold Bug 2, Whites GMT, Vibraprobe 570, and Falcon MD203,164 583 times Coinshooting, Gold prospecting, and Nuggetshooting

Honorable Mentions (1)
Class Ring Found & Returned Life's lessons.... we all have them.... we all move on. Terry
A warm coat in the cold. A light in the dark. My God in troubled times.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 03:34 PM

Aug 2012ReddingEyes - Gold Bug Pro682 111 times Prospecting
Thanks for the kinds words everyone, its been hell but I keep looking for the good of it all.
Its too soon to tell right now what good may have come from this, I sold all of my gold to cover her taxes and our cost to move up to Redding including a LOT of my Mustang Racing parts that were still new in box. The one that stung me the most was selling a set of (Still new in box) 14" Roush/Alcon 2 peice Big Brakes that were $3800 dollars, I took $1000 and a 2004 Cobra Supercharger for them because we needed to sell them right away, that really sucked. 
419, I look forward to coming down this summer to snipe some of that bedrock with you. I will give ya a PM a couple weeks in advance.
I found some flakes in a small boil hole at Yankee Jims so I really want to see whats on the bedrock in the river. 
Rodoconnor, I like that proverb, fits me well. 
I am really happy to be back in Redding though, at least I know where to snipe up here for good pickers and nuggets. 
Head in the water, butt in the air.
Now I know why ducks do it!
Underwater Sniper n00b

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 03:36 PM

Jul 2012colfax, caGarrett gtax 400201 46 times Prospecting
Sounds great, buddy! Cant waiit

Reply With Quote Today, 10:38 AM

Jul 2012116 6 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Sorry to hear about the problems Neo, you'll find more gold to replace the gold you had to sell and find more gold to buy your Mustang parts back.
Welcome back, missed your sniping adventures on here.

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