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In my free time (LOL) in the evenings when time permits and my DVR has recorded events I like to watch programs on gold. My problem I do not know the names of these shows or channels they are on. Below are a few I have come across. If you know of others please post them. Many of these shows are staged and over the top with drama and tough to waste time watching.
Shows I know about,
Gold Rush (Discovery Channel)
Bering Sea Gold (Discovering Channel)
Gold Fever (Outdoor Channel, GPAA Website)
Prospecting America (GPAA Website)
The Goldfathers (National Geographic Channel)
Bamazon (History Channel)
?When playing Texas Hold?Em every deck of cards has 52 cards, there are 2,598,960 possible hands. The bad news, you are only going to be dealt one of them?

TreasureNet.com is the premier Treasure Hunting Forum on the internet. Registered Users do not see these ads. Please Register - It's Free!Yesterday, 10:24 AM#2Oakview2

I believe Ghost Mine, Sci Fi channel just finished it's season. And the Alaskan comes on after Gold Fever on the Outdoor Channel. The reason I got interested in gold many years ago, was on Sundays on local public access tv they used to air the orginal prospecting show with George Massie, Tom Massie's father. He was a very good prospector, adventurer and pilot, god rest his sole
Here is a link to some of those old shows...http://www.goldprospectors.org/Media...ospecting.aspx
Last edited by Oakview2; Yesterday at 10:41 AM.
"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

Oakview2 and B H Prospector like this.Originally Posted by Oakview2
I believe Ghost Mine, Sci Fi channel just finished it's season. And the Alaskan comes on after Gold Fever on the Outdoor Channel. The reason I got interested in gold many years ago, was on Sundays on local public access tv they used to air the orginal prospecting show with George Massie, Tom Massie's father. He was a very good prospector, adventurer and pilot, god rest his sole
Here is a link to some of those old shows...2012 Mining Guide Video - - Video :: Gold Prospectors Association of America
'Same here. The Buzzard was the man! He would sit there in front of the camera, there in his hooch with his pan and his panning tub. Then take you on gold mining adventures and really educate you on mining, what to look for how to read the river or dry wash for the best spots to try. And near the end of every show he would talk about how important it is to keep our heritage of being Americans alive, to protect our right to free and unlimited access to public lands, to be responsible miners under the 1872 Free Mining Act Two Cheers for the 1872 Mining Law. He dedicated the last years of his life to this goal.
“Remember that there’s only two places everything comes from. It either comes from minin’ it, or growin’ it,” Massie says in the commercial as he explains the importance of mining and that less than five percent of the gold in America has been recovered — a fact that remains true to this day!
In all the advancing we can do to improve this world, the sharing of knowledge and wisdom is the most important.
We stand on the shoulders of giants.
I am so glad I joined this Message board.
If I post anything that inspires anyone to do better mining then me, I did my part.
And If anyone inspires me to try something new, or better, I thank them now.

Big fan of Gold Rush even with all their bumbling about, and they are getting theB H Prospector likes this.
gold out of the ground. Final 2 hr. episode is tomorrow night, and you can bet
I'll be watching and hoping they all had great seasons...
Can't stand the "characters" in Bearing Sea Gold, as that whiny gal makes me cringe
every time she opens her mouth. She's as useless as (insert your favorite comparison
here..lol), and the rest have got so many personal problems that the gold itself seems
less important than the plot complications from the cast. Almost like they took a bunch
of alcoholics, drug addicts and desperate, wannabe bad-asses and gave them a gold dredge
so they could be on the show. Pass.

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