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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 10:15 PM

Mar 2012Jacksonville ARGarrett AT Gold78 15 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting eBay mining claims?
Hi all, I recently noticed that you can purchase (or the sellers claim you can) gold claims on eBay. I've never prospected in my life but have really been wanting to give it a try soon. I have tons of questions but until I find a place to go that wont cost a small fortune to get there, my prospecting adventures will be only dreams since I live in central Arkansas far from any gold fields. Anyways, like I was saying, I noticed the other day that on eBay there are sellers offering what seems to be some pretty good deals on supposedly, "gold bearing" land. They all advertised that each location has been tested and at least some gold was found. I'm just wondering if my gut is correct and these are just scams or have any of you ever had any dealings with these types of claim purchases and is it even legal? If so, what are some good ways of protecting your interest as to not get lured into a Lemmon deal. I've noticed that some of the claims seem cheap to me, but like I said I'm a total newbie, for all I know their prices could be total rip offs. Just wanting some reviews from some of you "real" prospectors on here before I venture into exploring these possibilities any further. Thanks in advance.

Reply With Quote Yesterday 10:15 PM # ADS
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Yesterday, 10:44 PM
#2B H Prospector 

Feb 2010Black Hills, South Dakota251 98 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Hi silverfinder99,
You must be very careful about buying claims on line. Most are not above board. I know of a company out of Minnesota selling claims that are cross filed on claims that have been worked by the real owners for years. Alot of them file claims to sell without even checking if they are available but they will assure you it is legally filed and can show you the paperwork. The thing is they do have the proper paperwork on file with the BLM but the BLM is not responsible to check into availability of the land execpt to make sure it isn't withdrawn land for mining.I know of 4 claims in the Black Hills that this company is trying to sell that are owned by others and have been for 20 years or more. They are also selling claims on withdrawn land and lands with no access because it is surrounded by private land.
If you want to buy a claim be very careful. Check the claim out. Buy only from a claim owner who has actually worked the claim not some real estate company who isn't even in gold country. Also ask to work on the claim for a few days or a week and check several spots on the claim, not just where the owner says to dig. An honest claim owner will not have a problem with these conditions. Also research the claim you are looking at with the BLM. Two claims on one piece of land is a big red flag especially if one is for sale and the other not.
I have run accross this a few times here in the Black Hills where I own two claims. I would suggest you join a local club or the GPAA. Then you will have places to go. Hope this helps you.
Good Luck!
B H Prospector
Silverfinder99 likes this.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 10:51 PM

Looking for treasureMar 2010Northern IndianaGarrett ace 250 with Sniper & DD coil with a Sun Ray Probe ,BountyHunter 101/BountyHunter pinpointer Dredge/highbanker combo, Mini Trommel, Blue Bowl and other stuff I dont use very often but its part223 14 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
I have noticed the same thing....and was wondering the same ....BUT all that I have read say come on out and sample before you buy...they give GPS location and some will even meet you there...but like the post above...I am hundreds of miles away "Indiana" here..lol
Northern Indiana, wanna prospect for gold or metal detect, rock hound, look for fossils, arrow heads, or go magnet fishing let me know.
God created man equal...The Constitution was created to keep it that way...READ IT..
If you don't believe in theConstitution, then you should LEAVE this country..

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 11:07 PM

Mar 2012Jacksonville ARGarrett AT Gold78 15 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Why would a claim owner willingly sell a producing claim? With gold prices where they are today, if I had a claim I'd be working it every spare minute I had.

Reply With Quote Today, 12:44 AM

Dec 2012175 25 times
The only complaint I've heard about claims is the amount of paperwork and the lack of keeping it current.
The other is about having to deal with strict regulations. Once they know you're actively mining, they'll be out repeatedly to verify you're not disturbing natural environment and going beyond your plan of operation.
Numerous cases about claim owners getting tickets for this. One was just one in California. Forest service tried to ticket a guy for mining and not panning. Due to the length of his digging along a wash. This was posted a couple months ago. Somebody might be able to capture and post court verdict.
I was told by a prospector that owning a claim isn't all it's all about anymore.
That said, if you're finding gold while prospecting and there's no claim. Then file a claim. I'm not certain in all states, but for some of these claims, by the time you were to file your own your cost would be less than what they want.
Though in your area it might be hard. You can use the LC2000 to check for claims.
The other is to join a prospecting club or the GPAA.
Good luck

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