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I am just starting out in gold prospecting, and I am curious the time scale of what to expect.
How long did it take you to collect your first ounce of gold? (including all the flakes pickers and fine gold etc)
If you haven't found an ounce yet, how long has it taken you to get as much as you have?
And how often do you go out prospecting? I am hoping to get out every weekend.

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Depends very much on where you are and what equipment you are using.
I consistantly get around buck or two a day sluicing in the local wash. After about two years I've amassed about a hundred $$ worth.

Fullpan, Aurabbit79er and TerryC like this.this is my take since I started. I've been actually panning and or sluicing about ten times in maybe two years with major shoulder surgery thrown in there last March. My dad passed,mom was put on oxygen 24/7, and all the other things that go along with having a wonderful life. 3 almost grown sons,2 still in high school, a fantastic wife. All the things that get in the way of anybody's hobby,but I'll keep trying, hope to get out more this year. All the help I've received from this site should make me at least a more informed prospector.
good luck and good hunting

Originally Posted by greenpan
I am just starting out in gold prospecting, and I am curious the time scale of what to expect.
How long did it take you to collect your first ounce of gold? (including all the flakes pickers and fine gold etc)
If you haven't found an ounce yet, how long has it taken you to get as much as you have?
And how often do you go out prospecting? I am hoping to get out every weekend.First of all the last part of your quote that you're hoping to get out every weekend makes me jealous. As a working stiff with the family, and a gold miner for the last 15 or so years, I feel great if I can get out go Mining five times a year. One of my last jobs kept me from mining for over two years.
Right now I'm unemployed so I'm able to go mining a little more than normal. My only drawback is my finances are a lot less than when I was working. Looking back at all the gold I found in the desert and in the mountain streams I have to honestly say I have never had a whole ounce of gold. I'm always hoping, I came close a couple times, but even my total amount of gold that I've collected in my life would not equal an ounce.
My total amount of flakes and fine gold dried out and weighed totals 4.5 g., and that covers all my mining adventures. only 26.5 g more of gold to get to a Troy ounce. The good news is that it's constantly changing. I'm doing a clean up right now of three buckets of classified desert material that came from the north Mojave desert area. This material had good gold and I found some really good pieces, I should say We found some really good pieces, my partner Tim and I ran 27 buckets in the dry washer, so I'm hopeful this material will present a good amount as well. He is also here on TNet- TDB79 - One of the reasons that I am more hopeful to go mining more is that I'm joining the club that controls the claim were mining on. A great bunch of guys. One of the best times ever had without a lot of women around. I have nothing against the fairer sex, I married one myself. Ann and I did go to another desert spot together before this last outing and had a blast with some friends who just bought the property which is about 25 miles NE. of Barstow. They plan to retire there. Most the time I'm mining solo up at the East Fork San Gabriel River.
I've been to a lot of different rivers and mountain areas, but the the East Fork San Gabriel River is the best and closest mining area for me.
And I like to post pictures. Here is what we found in the desert.
You can see this gold is very coarse, placer gold from the rivers is more rounded and has a slightly different luster. But gold is gold is gold, and I can't wait to get back up there and find some more.
In all the advancing we can do to improve this world, the sharing of knowledge and wisdom is the most important.
We stand on the shoulders of giants.
I am so glad I joined this Message board.
If I post anything that inspires anyone to do better mining then me, I did my part.
And If anyone inspires me to try something new, or better, I thank them now.

I get about 1/10 gram per hour on a good day in metro Denver, sometimes less than half that of course. So an ounce here will take 300-1000 hours work with your sluice. Gotta hit the mountains to get more faster I suppose ;-)
Last edited by KevinInColorado; Today at 01:00 AM.
...it is too about havin' the gold!

\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\How Gold Is Mined\treasurenet\charter.gif)

Originally Posted by oldbrundogg
this is my take since I started. I've been actually panning and or sluicing about ten times in maybe two years with major shoulder surgery thrown in there last March. My dad passed,mom was put on oxygen 24/7, and all the other things that go along with having a wonderful life. 3 almost grown sons,2 still in high school, a fantastic wife. All the things that get in the way of anybody's hobby,but I'll keep trying, hope to get out more this year. All the help I've received from this site should make me at least a more informed prospector.
good luck and good hunting
OBDGood deal, OBD! And I hope others get the message.... FAMILY FIRST! TTC
Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. Psalms 144:1

For me, It's not about how much I get, but how much fun I have getting it.
I try to get out a couple of times a month and a dwt is a good day.

If you spend too much time counting and measuring it, it's just a jobB H Prospector, lowctoy, Fullpan and 1 others like this.
"The most inspiring thing about gold, is not the value, but under magnification, the true beauty of each piece. They are truly like snowflakes that never melt." Oakview2

I believe more people out there having fun and good times finding little to nil gold than there are folks counting up their ounces. If the latter happens well a big whoopty doo!! But best to find enjoyment in the former .
Just my little flake of wisdom

Hi greenpan and welcome.
No one can give you a time scale of what to expect. As said before, alot depends on where you are at. Some lucky sods can hit an ounce first time out. I heard of a local guy where I live found an ounce a day in a local canyon in a week. 99% of us aren't that lucky. If you can get out every weekend you definately increase you odds. It all has to do with the ground, equipment, and amout of material proccessed. There is no magic number for time. Too many people these days get into mining thinking they will have a few ounces in a few outings and it is just so easy. Just dig a hole and pan or sluice it and there is the gold.Not that easy my friend. It takes alot of research as where to go, what to look for, what equipment is best suited for this spot, and then the hard work starts. DIGGING! So if you think you will find an ounce in some kind of time fram you are setting yourself up for major disappointment. That being said good luck and happy mining.
B H Prospector

Originally Posted by Hemisteve
For me, It's not about how much I get, but how much fun I have getting it.
I try to get out a couple of times a month and a dwt is a good day.Yea true I will definitely have fun out there, but filling up a vial with pretty yellow rocks also seems fun.

Originally Posted by Aurabbit79er
First of all the last part of your quote that you're hoping to get out every weekend makes me jealous. As a working stiff with the family, and a gold miner for the last 15 or so years, I feel great if I can get out go Mining five times a year. One of my last jobs kept me from mining for over two years.
Right now I'm unemployed so I'm able to go mining a little more than normal. My only drawback is my finances are a lot less than when I was working. Looking back at all the gold I found in the desert and in the mountain streams I have to honestly say I have never had a whole ounce of gold. I'm always hoping, I came close a couple times, but even my total amount of gold that I've collected in my life would not equal an ounce.
My total amount of flakes and fine gold dried out and weighed totals 4.5 g., and that covers all my mining adventures. only 26.5 g more of gold to get to a Troy ounce. The good news is that it's constantly changing. I'm doing a clean up right now of three buckets of classified desert material that came from the north Mojave desert area. This material had good gold and I found some really good pieces, I should say We found some really good pieces, my partner Tim and I ran 27 buckets in the dry washer, so I'm hopeful this material will present a good amount as well. He is also here on TNet- TDB79 - One of the reasons that I am more hopeful to go mining more is that I'm joining the club that controls the claim were mining on. A great bunch of guys. One of the best times ever had without a lot of women around. I have nothing against the fairer sex, I married one myself. Ann and I did go to another desert spot together before this last outing and had a blast with some friends who just bought the property which is about 25 miles NE. of Barstow. They plan to retire there. Most the time I'm mining solo up at the East Fork San Gabriel River.
I've been to a lot of different rivers and mountain areas, but the the East Fork San Gabriel River is the best and closest mining area for me.
And I like to post pictures. Here is what we found in the desert.
You can see this gold is very coarse, placer gold from the rivers is more rounded and has a slightly different luster. But gold is gold is gold, and I can't wait to get back up there and find some more.Nice looking gold there bud!!

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