A total of 1,777,000 ounces of gold came from Kern County between 1851 and 1959.
Amalie District
Amalie district, is located between south summit of the Piute Mountains and Caliente Creek in township 30S. range 33E and 34E, it had a total production of 30,000 ounces of lode gold. The Amalie Mine was a major producer; but there were several other area mines that produced lode gold.
Green Mountain District
If you head southeast by dirt road to Bodfish, the Green Mountain district located between the west slope of the Piute Mountains and edge of Kelsey Valley on east side of mountains, you will find the Bright Star Mine, which had production around, 34,000 ounces of lode gold. 7 miles northwest of Piute, in township 29S and range 33E, you will find the Joe Walker Mine which produced about 100,000 ounces of lode gold.
Cove District
In Kernville, located in township 25S. range 33E, the Cove district had a total production, 262,800 ounces, primarily from the Big Blue Mine. It produced free gold, associated with arsenopyrite.
Keyes District
West in the Greenhorn Mountains at Lake Isabella along Greenhorn Gulch, extensive placers produced rich gold deposits. Also in area quartz mines there was some lode gold. West in township 26S. range 32E and 33E, the Keyes district had a total production, 39,600 ounces through 1959. There were numerous area Mines that produced lode gold.
Rosamond-Mohave District
In Mohave in township 11N and range 15W, you will find the Pine Tree Mine, which produced 75,000 ounces of lode gold. If you go southwest by 4 mile in township 10N and 11N and range 11W, 12W, and 13W, you will find the Rosamond-Mohave district, that had total production, 278,250 ounces of gold plus silver. West of Rosamond several miles, you will find the Tropico Mine, it was a major producer into 1950s. Many other area mines around adjacent Wheeler Springs produced lode gold. If you go to the northeast 25 miles in the El Paso Mountains, all regional gravels contain placer gold, This is a rich area. There are major mines in the area. The Cudahy Camp, Owens Camp, Burro Schmidt’s Tunnel, Colorado Camp, etc. all were rich in lode gold.
Rand District
If you go to Randsburg, in the heart of the Rand district, which lies along the Kern County, San Bernardino County line, produced nearly all of the 836,300 ounces of gold is from the Kern County half, with silver as a by product. The Yellow Aster Mine was the largest producer, and many other area mines produced lode gold. If you go northwest 9 miles, in Goler Gulch, the placer deposits were worked 1893-94. The GPAA has a claim at Goler Gulch.

The Mojave nugget, which weighs 156 ounces was unearthed near Randsburg using a metal detector in Kern County.

Colors can be found by the dry wash method in Goler Wash located approximately 3 miles north east of Garlock Ghost town. Some of the area is owned by a prospect club out of Barstow. They are real friendly and encourage site tours and membership. The down side to this area is that it is open to off highway vehicles and the dirt road traffic gets heavy and noisy at times. There are no toilets or water or organized camping of any kind. The nearest formal camping is at Red Rock Canyon about 15 miles away.
If you go to 16 miles south of Weldon, in township 28S. range 35E, you will find the St. Johns Mine, which was a rich lode gold producer.
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