Since 1902 there have been 204 lode gold mines and 21 placer mines in Stevens County. Most of the total production of 52,145 ounces of gold came from the lode mines in Stevens County. The Columbia River contains placer gold over its entire length through the county. The bench placers were very rich also along the Columbia River.
West of Aladdin, on the J.W. Scott Ranch, in Section 6 T37N R41E is the Scott Mine, which produced lode gold.
Out of Arden 2.5 miles, in the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of section 34 T35N R39E, is the Rocky Lake Mine, which consisted of 8 claims for lode gold in base metal ores.
Northwest 1.5 miles from Bluecreek in SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of section 34, T35N R39E, is the Krug (Hartford) Mine. It consisted of 10 claims which produced mostly copper, but minor lode gold. Southwest from Bluecreek 2.5 miles in N 1/2 of NE 1/2 of section 2 T32N R39E, is the Liberty Copper Mine, which consisted of 6 claims for lode gold, copper and silver.
South of Bossburg 5 miles in section 22 T37N R38E, is the Sandoz Placer, which was very productive. Between Bossburg and Marcus, on the east side of the Columbia River, in sections 16 and 21 T37N R38E, is the Valbush Bar Placers.
Outside of Boyds 2 miles, in NW 1/4 section 3 T37N R37E is the Napoleon Mine, which produced lode gold as a by product of its copper and iron production.
Northeast of Cedonia 10.5 miles and about .25 miles north of the Addy-Bissell Road, in the Southwest corner of section 19 T32N R38E, is the Columbia Tungsten Mine. This was a Tungsten mine, but also produced gold, silver, molybdenum and zinc.
East of Chewelah 1.5 miles, in north part of section 7 T32N R41E, is the Chewelah Standard Mine. Out of Chewelah 6 miles near center N 1/4 section 32 T33N R41E, is the Chinto Mine. West of Chewelah 18 miles, is the Belle of the Mountain Mine and the Blue Belle Mine. There are very many other mines in the Kaniksu National Forest.
Out of Daisy 2.5 miles along the Columbia River is the Collins Placer Mine.
Near Evans, in sections 29 and 32 T39N R39E, is the Nobles Placer Mine. Out of Evans 1.5 miles and 1,000 feet East of Highway 22, in section 15 and 22 T37N R38E, is the Gold Bar Mine.
Kettle Falls
East of Kettle Falls 1 mile is the Gold Hill Mine. In the SW 1/4 section 16 T36N R38E, is the City View Mine. Northeast of Kettle Falls 2 miles in the S 1/2 of the SE 1/4 section 7, the Sunday Mine. In the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 section 9, on top of hill, is the Gold Reef Mine. In the SW 1/4 section 4, is the Gold Ledge Mine. Out of Kettle Falls 6 miles, below town in section 29 T35N R37E, is the Holsten Placer. South a little farther and 1 mile off Highway 22, near center N 1/2 section 11, the Ark Mine is located.
Loon Lake
North of Loon Lake by 6 miles, near the center of section 33 T31N R41E is the Loon Lake Copper Mine. This mine produced copper with minor gold and silver production.
In the area north along the Columbia River to the Canadian line is the Evans Placer. The Evans Placer camp in on the west bank of reservoir just north of town. The Evans Placer was a lease of 5 miles along the east shore which produced abundant placer gold form rich deposits. On Onion Creek, is the Alice May Mine. West of Northport 1 mile on Sheep Creek, in section 25 T40N R39E, is the St. Crispin Mine. Southeast of Northport 3 miles, on the North side of Fish Creek, in SW 1/4 section 16 T39N R40E is the Northport Mine. Near the road in NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 section 7 T40N R40E is the Elvick Mine.
The Orient district, in the far northwest corner of the county, between Latitude 48 degrees 50 minutes and 48 degrees 56 minutes N and Longitude 118 degrees and 5 minutes and 118 degrees and 10 minutes W formed in 1902 formed in 1902 with 86 mines currently listed in T39 and 40 N R36 and 37 E. The total production of the Orient district is listed at 45,057 ounces.
East of Rockcut 1 mile, on flat bench in section 1 T39N R36E, is the Abe Lincoln Mine, which produced lode gold with copper. Out of town 4 miles, near the center of section 19 T40N R37E, is the White Elephant Mine. Northeast of town 5 miles, in section 19 and 30 T40N R37E, is the F.H. and C. (Faith, Hope and Charity) Mine.
Out of Springdale 2 miles, on Douglas Mountain, in sections 11 and 12 T31N R39E, is the Dumbolton Mine, which produced lode gold with mercury and tin. On the East slope of Huckleberry Range near the summit, in NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 section 36 T31N R38E, is the Wells Fargo Mine, this mine primarily produced antimony, but lode gold, lead, silver and zinc were by products.
West of Valley 9 miles and 1 mile North, in SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of section 9, T31N R39E, is the Edna Mine.
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