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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 12:25 PM

Mar 2013Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin8 Prospecting Arkansas Gold--How does this spot in the photo look to you?

My sister got a job in Arkansas and I heard there can be decent gold there. GPAA's site (I'm not a member... yet) says there's gold in Pike County in their guidebook. I was looking on Google Maps at places near Benton where my sister works and saw this spot off of the Ouachita River. Just based off the Google satellite image it looks like a decent bend, with some bedrock showing.
What do you think? I will be going there next week and taking my A52 with me. I will let everyone who responds to this thread know how I did! Better at least get a few specks...
Tell me your thoughts, look good? No? I'll try it anyway haha

Reply With Quote Yesterday 12:25 PM # ADS
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Yesterday, 01:25 PM

Jan 2012Chickasha,Oklahoma244 36 times Prospecting
I prospect the other side of the mnts in Oklahoma its just about all flour gold.Good luck.
"If the Gold dont care neither do I"
Shawn Pomrenke
4" Proline 2" Jobe combo 2.5" Keene

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 01:57 PM

Northern CaliforniaAug 2007Northern CaliforniaXLT, GMT, 6000D Coinmaster1,365 362 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
If there's gold in the area then of course a possibility exists that there will be some at this location. A lot will depend on the level of the water when you arrive, if no rain has fallen anywhere locally or way up river for some time then that would be the best time to get there. The classic gravel bar is on the inside bend and the heavy water, exposed rock is on the outside bend. Be careful of snakes in and around the rocks. Gold panning is a dig and sample operation to locate a pay streak with muscle usage of muscles that most of us have not used in some time so be careful with your back and legs, wear a hat and be careful of the sun burning you. As always, Have Fun...........63bkpkr
Out searching w/GMT & friend under my arm

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 06:16 PM
#4Timmy Tom 

Aug 201233 8 times
Magnet Cove is up river from there. Do a search for Magnet Cove minerals. They have discovered a lot of new and rare minerals there. Good luck.

Reply With Quote Today, 10:59 AM

Mar 2013Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin8 Prospecting
Originally Posted by 63bkpkr
If there's gold in the area then of course a possibility exists that there will be some at this location. A lot will depend on the level of the water when you arrive, if no rain has fallen anywhere locally or way up river for some time then that would be the best time to get there. The classic gravel bar is on the inside bend and the heavy water, exposed rock is on the outside bend. Be careful of snakes in and around the rocks. Gold panning is a dig and sample operation to locate a pay streak with muscle usage of muscles that most of us have not used in some time so be careful with your back and legs, wear a hat and be careful of the sun burning you. As always, Have Fun...........63bkpkrIt's funny that you mention that, I was just out at the Menomonee River in WI practicing panning. My back is pretty sore today lol and I'm a young man! I really hope this spot is good, and I appreciate the tips BkPkr. I'll reply to this thread when I get back and let everyone know how it was. Take care

Reply With Quote Today, 12:16 PM

Mar 2011241 50 times
You know what Badger. A bit of detective work might save you a bunch of time and sweat. I'm thinking in a place like Benton, Arkansas... lots of people spend their entire lives there. You should be able to get really good local information. If there's no local prospecting club, try anyplace in Benton that sells pans or equipment. Check the popular watering hole for contacts. Make a pass by the Senior Citizens Center. There's bound to be a couple of ole' guys sitting around there who'd love to tell you about the best spots on the Ouachita River to pan. Bring your pictures. I follow this appraoch every time i hit a new area. Could save you a ton of time prospecting. Some of the best spots i've found, weren't found on the internet.

Reply With Quote Today, 12:31 PM

Mar 2011241 50 times
P.S. I like that little draw that runs into the river in the upper right hand corner of the picture. Alot of material has been cut outta there by mother nature over time. Check the draw (not the river), where it intersects with the bigger body of water. Anything coming down that draw should'a dropped out right there. You have two things working for you there. Turbulence and back flow from the river. Both cause gold to drop out of a watercourse. Good Luck.

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