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I'm creating a gold mining game for Windows, Mac, Linux, and possibly iOS and Android. The goal is to put the player in charge of a placer mining operation, similar to the ones depicted on the TV show Gold Rush Alaska. I could use some help and feedback from those who know the processes well.
Here is a list of machines and functions, to the best of my understanding. Please feel free to correct any of the following, including terminology, order, etc.
1. Drill holes to determine the depth and density of gold bearing soil.
2. With a bulldozer, clear anything above the surface, including trees and other flora.
3. With a bulldozer and a ripper attachment, remove frozen layer of soil (if any).
4. With a bulldozer, strip layers of soil until gold bearing layers are reached.
5. With a loader, load pay dirt onto hauler.
6. With a hauler, transport pay dirt to wash plant.
7. With an excavator, feed the wash plant with pay dirt.
Does this process look correct? What can be done to improve it?
In some situations, it seemed like the excavator was used to get down to the pay dirt, but in others, the bulldozer was used exclusively, so I'm sure there is something I am missing there.
In addition to correcting the processes and terminology above, please feel free to add anything that you think could make a gold mining simulator more enjoyable/realistic.
Thanks in advance.

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Halfway through game a safety inspector shuts you down? Seriously though I guess you could include weather, fuel and equipment issues, correct clean out timing, cash flow etc. You could have the game start as a solo miner and go to small operation to jr gold company to openpit.

I think budget would be a huge part of the game.

More elements you can add would be weather, wildlife, protesters and claim jumpers.socalocmatt and Jeff95531 like this.
Weather would slow down or stop operations. Sand bagging water flow, and plowing snow would be used to control conditions.
Too much wildlife entering your claim would end up shutting down operations. You build fences to keep them out or wrangle them.
Protesters would vandalize equipment, and claim jumpers would prospect illegally and also vandalize equipment. You would have the choice to either hire security as an ongoing cost, or more fencing at a one time cost.
As a fun hack, protesters and claim jumpers could be wrangled along with the wildlife! Just think of the fun animations you could create to go along with that!!!

Lets keep it as real as possible, really wrangling protesters with animals why not have alien outerspace invations also then. Start as small miners and build up as said and also buy equipment as cash dictates. The whole concept sounds good and if done correctly without a bunch of nonsense I would buy it. I enjoy games like the sim city game.
Good Luck!
BH Prospector

Originally Posted by B H Prospector
Lets keep it as real as possible, really wrangling protesters with animals why not have alien outerspace invations also then. Start as small miners and build up as said and also buy equipment as cash dictates. The whole concept sounds good and if done correctly without a bunch of nonsense I would buy it. I enjoy games like the sim city game.
Good Luck!
BH Prospectorlol. I think soupfreak was eluding to a backdoor/hidden modes in the game like Doom having IDKFA cheats for added flare.
I like the idea of starting off as a small one-man operation. Maybe not even having your own claim but having to lease a claim. With the starting budget to buy materials and only so much for claim leasing. Then as you gain money you can lease larger/better claims. Similar to unlocking levels/special weapons/car mods in some games works. Hell, you could even make it so that you have to start by using public lands if you wanna sink all of your cash into tools.

Equipment breakdowns. Investors. Also using other types of equipment. Dredges, pans, drywashers, small sampling sluices. Large sluices. And, when you get to large scale operations, don't forget about the guy who dictates whether you work or not, the fuel delivery guy. YOu can also add fun toys such as Polaris Rangers, firearms for defense, or fun, snowmobiles. And, Uncle Sam will want his cut. Also, if you want a picture of a really good looking guy to use for one of your characters, I'm your man. Send me an email, and I'll get you a picture of Brad Pitt right away. LMAO!
I wish common sense was like the flu. Then, everyone would catch it......

I wanna play!!! Sounds like fun.

Thank you all, so far, for the great suggestions. I plan to use many of them.
So, I definitely intend to start the game as a one man mining operation, on leased or public land.
The part I'm struggling with is what level to start mining on. My initial plan was to start as a one man operation, with leased equipment (bulldozer, ATV, dumptruck, excavator, washplant) and land, and investors to pay back.
I'm not sure if I could see a reasonable way to start the game as a single miner with a pan and a dream. It would throw the pace of the game off a bit. Keep in mind that this is a simulation style game, and while I can make a 2D character go up to a river and perform an action, the panning part will all be simulated. In concept, panning for gold sounds fun, but I just don't know how I can create compelling gameplay for it in a 2D simulation. Perhaps you folks can help out there.

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