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Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded ModeYesterday, 10:04 AM

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Ken CunninghamAug 2011OregonEagle Spectrum/6000-DI Pro-sl/Gold-Stinger/CZ7a/ML750/Tm808/XLT-E/GTX2500/GB/GB2/Ml-Sov./CZ3D42 5 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting "WARNING "MY STUFF IS GONE" "STOLEN""
Douglas County Or. 2009 Digger packs is "Stuff" in,STASH leaves it. Goes back, "Everything,s "GONE".
Rockcreek,Or. Coquille River 2010 Digger leaves his stuff on the river, goes to Town. Comes back,"GONE"
(Campers in 100 ft.on both sides.)
Doles Bar Or.2011 Highbanker set-up. Digger leaves, comes back,you guessed it,"Gone"(Others Diggers in sight on both sides.)
Medford Or. 2013 Digger leaves his Dredge in the driveway. "Gone"
Every year there are countless stories of Diggers equipment being "Stolen" under one circumstance or another.
Most due to poor decisions, carelessness, a false attitude "It wont happen to ME" "Guess what"
Lets try to "STOP" Financing thieves with "YOUR STUFF".
"SUGGESTION" and I am sure there are other ways! "MARK " your equipment. No item is to small!
Elec. engraving tool, metal punch stamp, wood-burning tool, welders, camera etc.(Take pictures of your equipment.
You may need them for alerts or identification.
Perhaps engrave your last 4 number of your Dr Lic. & 4 numbers of your SS#.on "EVERYTHING METAL or wood. Every pump Lg.& sml. Mark the spot with brite paint,"WHY"? Increases the chance of a "Pawn-Shop" seeing it!
You can even mark any plastic item with the wood burning tool. Ink Mark your tents & shelters.
Weld these #,s on the of all your trailers, mark the site w/brite paint.
(Clubs or buddies have an "Identify Your Equipment" day & share the tools to do it with. Invite others, make a noise about. Let the word get around about what you are doing or have done. A thief has ears to. I think?
I don,t know about you? But even my screwdriver cost me "MONEY".
Good Luck this season guys & gals. Protect your stuff so you can!
PEACE JOY & PROSPOERTY &"Gold" to all.
Hoser John,
63bkpkr and
russau like this.

Reply With Quote Yesterday 10:04 AM # ADS
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Yesterday, 12:12 PM

Jan 2012Centennial, Colorado714 184 times Prospecting
More on topic...the other thing we can all do is to be very careful about buying used gear. Avoid anything where you can't confirm the proper ownership history!
Fabrication Specialists and
1 others like this.
...it is too about havin' the gold!

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 05:27 PM

\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\How Gold Is Mined\5\charter.gif)

Come out from under your bed today...... DO SOMETHING!Jun 2008Yarnell, AZ and Murphys,CARight now: Garrett GTA 500, ACE 250, Fisher Impulse 8, Gold Bug 2, Whites GMT, Vibraprobe 570, and Falcon MD203,510 857 times Coinshooting, Gold prospecting, and Nuggetshooting

Honorable Mentions (1)
Class Ring Found & Returned Incribe your SS number or other ID in a concealed location on exspensive stuff. When stolen, tell only the law and certain other good local prospectors. If (when) stolen, watch for the "sale" and have trusted friends help watch for it. The bad guys will not see it coming! TTC
Lord, when my life is done, bless my life and grant me one... old friend. Roger Miller

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 05:51 PM
#4Gene Slater 

Nov 201224 5 times
I would be wary on the SS number. Too much identity theft. Call this number if found or property of with a phone number perhaps.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 06:17 PM

\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\How Gold Is Mined\5\charter.gif)

Come out from under your bed today...... DO SOMETHING!Jun 2008Yarnell, AZ and Murphys,CARight now: Garrett GTA 500, ACE 250, Fisher Impulse 8, Gold Bug 2, Whites GMT, Vibraprobe 570, and Falcon MD203,510 857 times Coinshooting, Gold prospecting, and Nuggetshooting

Honorable Mentions (1)
Class Ring Found & Returned The SS number is universal when law enforcement is on it. Other ID can be used. The idea behind the "hidden" location is what makes it work. Probably safer than the info on your computer, now-a-days. The sending out of stolen property signals makes much of the stuff "hide" for awhile, negating the idea of a hidden id. TC
Lord, when my life is done, bless my life and grant me one... old friend. Roger Miller

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 06:24 PM

Apr 2013ArizonaTesoro silver umax7 1 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Hmmm I wounder how much stolen stuff makes it to Ebay?

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 06:33 PM

Jan 2010121 7 times
probaly no more then the local auction house or pawn shop or drug house.Stuff can go just about any where.
Originally Posted by Azjones
Hmmm I wounder how much stolen stuff makes it to Ebay?

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 06:46 PM

Dec 2012on the rocks - so cal county linewhites coin master II / Gold bug pro -ordered226 26 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
dont leave your stuff in the woods / river or driveway .
Goodyguy likes this.

Reply With Quote Yesterday, 10:49 PM

Mr. Desert Rat to you!Feb 2013Douglas, AZNone at this time125 35 times Prospecting
Most police depts will tell you to mark your items as follows for EASY I.D. This way you're not putting your SSAN out there for anyone to get a a hold of. First initial/last initial/last four of SSAN. Put it someplace that it's NOT easy to spot right off the bat. Under a battery cover or some other easily accessible location for electronics or someplace a thief won't look for other items. Keep a list of all marked items and the location of the markings that you can give the cops in case you are ripped off.
The two things they say NOT to put on an item as I.D. are your complete SSAN OR your D.L. Number!!!!! Both can lead to identity theft.
THere used to be a company that made "Micro stamps" that would imprint your ID on just about any item and was small enough not to be easily noticed by thieves but could be read with a magnifying glass.
Goodyguy and
63bkpkr like this.
"Some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope!!!" 

Reply With Quote Today, 06:22 AM

Pannin' Fer Gold!! WolfPack="WP"Feb 2011Greenwood, SCGarrett GTA 500 (need a new/better one)223 152 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Always log down your serial #'s and make and model,,,without these #'s items cannot be entered into NCIC by law Enforcement.. NCIC is the National computer system for such things as stolen goods, where a stolen pump from say South Carolina can be checked in say Oregon an get an instant hit! All other #'s put on equipment is great for local identification, but not worth much out of local jurisdiction.
Goodyguy likes this.
GODS, GUNS & GUTS made this COUNTRY FREE...I'll KEEP all THREE you can have the CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!

Reply With Quote Today, 07:51 AM
#11Hoser John 

Mar 2003Redding,Calif.2,398 412 times All Types Of Treasure Hunting
NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SS never on nuttn' I won't even use it on my puter at home,pics help too. I dredged all day and came back to camp about 8 years ago and camp was gone,tents,food,stoves,even the toilet for gods sake,talk about some shatty thieves-John

Reply With Quote Today, 07:14 PM

\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\How Gold Is Mined\5\charter.gif)

Sep 2012Sunny, ArizonaGold Bug Pro, Sun Ray Gold Pro Headphones, Crevice Vac, Royal Gold Drywasher, Blue Bowl-Fossickers Fine Gold Recovery System, and Google Earth.225 124 times Prospecting
For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would leave their equipment behind. Your inviting thiefs to take it. I had to leave a custom 300 mag and my packframe with a pair of 15 x 60 Zeiss binoculars behind once. This was only because I was bleeding very badly and knew I had little time to get to Nogales, AZ to a hospital. I was hunting Coues Whitetail and my buddy had no clue I was in trouble. I did go back and recover my gear the next morning.
kuger and
63bkpkr like this.
Supporter & Believer In Royal Gold Mining Products

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