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Days 1 thru 3...
Took off from home the afternoon of Sunday the 28th, made a quick stop about
100 miles south at my brothers place and then headed straight down I-5. Knowing
it was 1200+ miles to Ken's house down in Calif., the plan was to run as hard
as I could till fatigue stepped in and I had to have a short nap, then get going again.
Ran all night, and the first rest stop was in Dunnigan, CA. at what used to be one of
the best, old-time truck stops in Calif. It’s a Pilot Truck Stop now, but it used to be known
as “Pantyhose Junction”. The waitresses there wore shorter skirts (in today’s world ladies
commonly wear much shorter skirts..lol), the food was always lousy but the conversation
was good. Only thing the cooks couldn’t screw up were eggs and biscuits with gravy..and
they sold a lot of both!
This time I just bought gas there, and was feeling a bit sad at seeing “what was” be no more.
After a 2 hr. nap I took off again, got into Sacramento and then headed down Hwy. 99. Made
a stop in Fresno for lunch and shot down towards Bakersfield, taking the turn-off for Hwy. 58
and the run over the Tehachapi Mtns. My ’87 Toyota 4x4 is no powerhouse, and the 4-banger
(22R-E motor) was working hard pulling up some of the grades, but over we went and soon
I was at Hwy. 58 (aka: Kramer Jct.) My friends lived close to where 395 runs into I-15, and within
an hour was in Oak Hills, relaxing on Ken’s back porch with a cold beer and waiting for he and his wife
to get home from work.
Plenty of pizza, beer and memories of old times that night, but we called it an early night so we
could head out early enough to get a days work in on one of the GPAA claims.
Ken and I had both recently joined the GPAA, so before I ever left home we had selected 3 GPAA
claim locations we wanted to prospect.
Tuesday - Day 3
After loading my gear into Ken’s Blazer, we headed out for the Lytle Creek area. Unfortunately, we
were only 2 miles from it when Ken’s truck took a dump on us, and refused to restart. We finally
got it going again by using some starting fluid, and headed straight back to his house for my truck.
His Blazer was continuously stalling, and it took us about 3 hrs. to make the 30 min. drive back to
his place; quick swap of the gear to my Toyota. a stop at MickeyD’s for lunch and we got back into
the prospecting area by about 2:30.
Ken had never used a sluice, so we carried my Keene A51 down to the small creek running through
the valley. Most of the creek area looked like good material to me, so we just picked a spot and set
up the sluice so I could give Ken some tips.
Huge riverbed there, and in most spots it was at least 100 yds. wide. Took a few test pans and found
a few little flypoop specks, so we decided to take material from a dozen different spots and just run it
through the sluice. Unfortunately, at the end of the day we ended up with only the few specks I found in
the test pans, and nothing of visible size in the sluice concentrates. There is bound to be some good
gold left in this canyon, and now that he understands sluicing a bit he plans to go back and spend a few
days just prospecting the area in hopes of finding a pocket or two.
Snow was on the way when I left home, and 2 days later I’m working outside in nearly 90F.![]()
Pretty much exhausted from both the long drive and the heat, I hit the sack just after sundown.
...to be continued
Last edited by DizzyDigger; Yesterday at 04:13 AM.Oakview2, Fullpan and 63bkpkr like this.
Mike (aka Dizz)
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more
common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost
a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
Calvin Coolidge
The Essence of Compassion
"Resolve to be tender with the young, Compassionate with the aged,
Sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and wrong......
...... because sometime in your life you have been guilty of all of these."

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Super story - looking forward to the next chapter DizzyDigger!
Garrett AT Pro
Whites Matrix M6..: What Pennsylvania County Do You Live In? :..
"A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington (January 7th, 1790)

just goes to show, it's not the destination, it's the journey. Great story & looking forward to part two.
When you consider all we learn, the challenge is to apply it all. Not easy as starting out on a new spot still makes me feel like a kid at Christmas. It's all soooo good, where do I begin? Getting socks never made me give up on Christmas either

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Originally Posted by Jeff95531
just goes to show, it's not the destination, it's the journey. Great story & looking forward to part two.Ain't that the truth!
There are places on Earth that seem to call out to us, and then call us back when
we've been away for too long; central and northern Nevada will never let me go.
There is something about that country that is just...special. Can't say
if it's the wide open plains and sage, high mountains covered in scrub pine, rocky
canyons, or maybe even the whole package. Whatever it is, it got in my blood about
40 years ago and has never let go.
The stop in Calif. was to see some old friends, and any gold we found would just be
a bonus for the day. Ken and I grew up together, and have always kept in touch no
matter where in the world we were, or what was going on in life at the time. We went
through that "boys to men" phase together, and had an incredible time along the way.
I moved to Washington when I was 28 (after a divorce from wife #1), so opportunities
to get together over the past 25 years have been tough...seems life just got in the
way all the time.
I get writers cramps just thinking about putting down the particulars of even a few of the
escapades we were involved in through those earlier years. It still amazes me how two guys
could have caused so much trouble, but never actually got into trouble..
Believe I was on my third marriage when Ken finally got taken down...and by a librarian!
Now, ya gotta understand that this guy looked like Tom Selleck in his earlier days, plus
he had the "gift of gab" that would make any Welshman proud. Keep in mind this was
in the 70's, and we lived in Orange County not far from Newport Beach, so we'd hunt
coyotes out by Needles all night Friday night, spend all day raising hell in the casino's
down in Searchlight and Laughlin, and then scoot back to OC by nightfall so we could
clean up (as in wash off the smell of rabbit whiz..lol), toss on some snazzy duds and
go out perusing the local clubs for friendly gals. Now, keep in mind that was back when
sex was safe and jumping out of airplanes was considered dangerous. Perhaps there was
more than one occasion where we might have drank a dram or two too much, and woke up
in that most uncomfortable of situations...one that requires asking three simple questions...
..."Who are you?, Where am I?,... and...... Did you have a good time?"
In those situations Ken only asked two questions: "Where am I?, and "What's for breakfast?"
Yep, when Lauriel made him an honest man there were hearts breaking all over So. Cal., and
they do make a great couple. It was a real treat to spend time with them at their beautiful home,
and other than being married to a great gal he hasn't changed a bit.
Couple more pics from Day 3:
This is what the bed of the dry wash looked like, and this was just one
of about a dozen channels flowing in the same dry bed.
Ken checking for a trail of some type that would lead us back to the
draw on the right. Shrubs were so thick we weren't going to chance
the snakes that were sure to be lurking around, plus the terrain
was too difficult for me to try and navigate. The stream was running
along that edge also, and there's exposed bedrock in 2 of the small
ravines back on the right.
Last edited by DizzyDigger; Yesterday at 03:27 PM.Reason: kant spelFullpan likes this.
Mike (aka Dizz)
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more
common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost
a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
Calvin Coolidge
The Essence of Compassion
"Resolve to be tender with the young, Compassionate with the aged,
Sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and wrong......
...... because sometime in your life you have been guilty of all of these."

AHH, Nevada - what I like is the outback part seems to get LESS populated as time goes by. And with some experience, you can walk in the footsteps of
paleo man out there - petroglyphs, artifacts going back 10-12,000 years. The enviro types show up on the Black Rock playa once a year (60,000 strong) with the Burning Man festival, but
then go away and leave us alone for the most part.

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